Medical Quiz

Urinary System Quiz

What organ doesn’t belong to the urinary system?

A. Kidney

B. Bladder

C. Brain

D. Urethra

Select your answer:


Vitamins Circulatory and Respiratory System Health Issues and Concerns Excretory System Body Cardiovascular Physiology - Function Human Physiology Proteins, Amino Acids, & Enzymes Parts of Human Body A&P Musculoskeletal Histology - Tissues Autism Awareness Macromolecules & Enzymes Cardiology Services Med Terms Teeth & Microbes

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The paranasal sinuses, together with other structures of the upper respiratory tract,

A. are where a small percentage of gas exchange occurs.

B. form part of the respiratory membrane.

C. are involved in filtering, warming, and humidifying incoming air..

D. provide a large area for gas exchange between air and circulating blood.

E. are lined by a delicate simple squamous epithelium.

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Which of the following are NOT the general characteristics of fungi?

A. They are heterotypic eukaryotic microorganisms

B. The cell wall is composed of chitin

C. Reproduces asexually only

D. Can cause superficial and systemic diseases