Medical Quiz

Excretory System Quiz


After the process of filtration, the filtrate enters into the proximal convoluted tubule where most of the water, amino acids, and glucose are…

A. stored in the bladder

B. excreted through the ureters

C. reabsorbed

D. concentrated in the urine

Blood from glomerulus is carried away by

A. Afferent arteriole

B. Efferent arteriole

C. Both of above

D. None of above

Renal tubule begins with a _______cup like structure called Bowman’s capsule

A. Single walled

B. Double walled

C. Tripple walled

D. None of the above

Most of the nephron’s cells contain a large amount of mitochondria, especially the proximal tubule, ascending loop of Henle and distal tubule. The reason is that these cells perform which of the following functions?

A. filtration

B. diffusion

C. osmosis

D. active transport

Width of adult human kidney is

A. 1-3 cm

B. 3-5 cm

C. 5-7 cm

D. 7-9 cm

What are the two different types of dialysis?

A. Hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD)

B. Hemodialysis and chronic kidney dialysis

C. Peritoneal dialysis and kidney disease dialysis

D. None of the above

Thickness of adult human kidney is

A. 1-2 cm

B. 2-3 cm

C. 3-4 cm

D. 4-5 cm

Which part of Henle’s loop continues as another highly coiled tubular region called distal convoluted tubule.

A. Ascending limb

B. Descending limb

C. Both of above

D. None of above

The excretory system rids the body of this
A.     solid waste
B.     liquid waste
C.     solid and liquid waste
D.     carbon dioxide

Using the picture, what is the function of structure A?
A.     Carries urine away from the kidneys
B.     Stores urine
C.     Eliminates urea, excess water, and some other materials
D.     Carries urine away from body and eliminates it

Using the picture, what is the function of structure C?
A.     Carries urine away from the kidneys
B.     Stores urine
C.     Eliminates urea, excess water, and some other materials
D.     Carries urine away from body and eliminates it

The temperature of the blood is lowered before passing through dialysis machine to prevent-

A. clotting of blood

B. Proteins being denatured

Efferent arteriole has diameter ………. than/ to afferent arteriole.

A. Larger

B. smaller

C. equal

Kidneys are situated between following vertebrae

A. Last thoracic and third lumbar

B. First thoracic and third lumbar

C. Last thoracic and first lumbar

D. Last thoracic and last lumbar

The dialysis fluid contains a lower concentration of urea so that urea from the patient’s blood can diffuse into the dialysis fluid. 



Histologically cortex part of kidney is made up of large number of ……..

A. Pyramids

B. Nephrons

C. Blood cells

D. Collecting ducts

In the Reabsorption process following substances are absorbed by active transport

A. Glucose

B. Amino acids

C. Sodium ions

D. All of the above

Which kidney is slightly superior in position?

A. right

B. left

C. no difference

Each kidney has nearly _________ million complex tubular structures called nephrons

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

Amount of blood filtered by kidneys per minute

A. 1000-1100 ml

B. 1100-1200 ml

C. 1200-1300 ml

D. 1300-1400 ml

Each nephron is made up of

A. Glomerulus

B. Renal tubule

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

_________ is the outer layer of the kidney.

A. Cortex

B. Medulla

C. Pelvis

In a healthy person, some glucose is reabsorbed into the bloodstream while majority is lost in the urine. 



Blood filtered by kidneys per minute constitutes roughly_____of the blood pumped out by each ventricle of heart/ min

A. 1-2

B. 1/3 rd

C. 1/4 th

D. 1/5 th

Average weight of human kidney is

A. 90-140 g

B. 100-150 g

C. 110-160g

D. 120-170 g


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