Medical Quiz

Life Processes Quiz

Tiny blood vessel that exchanges materials between blood and body cells.

A. Artery

B. Capillary

C. Vein

D. Aorta

Select your answer:


Biology for Engineers Food System & Nutrients Illness and Symptoms Composition Of Human Blood Properties of Hair and Scalp Population Ecology Glucose in the Body Cells Respiratory, Cardiovascular & Oncology Bacteria and Protist Review Physical Activity Tracheostomy Care Genetics Psychology Vocabulary Nutrient Cycling

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The undigested food is sent out of the body through

A. rectum

B. anus

C. vermiform appendix

D. none

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In myelofibrosis, the characteristic abnormal red blood cell morphology is that of:

A. target cells

B. schistocytes

C. teardrop cells

D. ovalocytes