Medical Quiz

Nutrition and Calorific Value Quiz

Ashley is getting ready for her soccer game.  Which nutrient will give her body the main fuel for her game? 
A. Fat
B. Water
C. Multi-vitamin
D. Carbohydrates

Select your answer:


Types of Medical Reports Gaseous Exchange in Humans Inherited & Acquired Traits Integumentary and Musculoskeletal System Circulatory & Respiratory Contemporary Nutrition Issues Atoms and Radioactivity Pathology Introduction Cell Injury Soldiers of Defense Structures and Functions of Living Organisms and Genetics Hearing Impairment Musculoskeletal LE Fats and Coronary Heart Disease Measles and Hib Homeostasis - Vision Correction

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The most basic unit of a living organism is…

A. A box

B. A cell

C. A cellular component

D. A battery

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Body planes

A. Divisions of the body or parts of the body.

B. A hole or opening in the body or a part of the body.

C. Turning on an axis away from the midline.

D. Lying face down.