Medical Quiz

Metabolism Quiz


The chemical reaction between oxygen and glucose that releases energy into cells.

A. Metabolism

B. Digestive System

C. Cellular Respiration

D. Respiratory System

Chemicals that regulate and control human body functions are known as…

A. Fats

B. Hormones

C. Carbohydrates

D. Elements

Small organic molecules that assist in enzymatic functions are –

A. Coprolites

B. Cofactors

C. Activators

D. Coenzymes

E. Intermediates

What are the negative effects of food deserts?

A. Millions of people are unable to gain access to healthy foods  

B. Wealthy neighborhoods get to keep access to healthy foods 

C. Grocery stores get to pick where they are built 

D. Convenience stores and delis are enough to feed people healthy

The ________________ is the body’s use of molecules for energy and growth.

A. Cellular Respiration

B. Digestive System

C. Metabolism

D. Circulatory System

Which substance is produced during cellular respiration? 

A. Oxygen

B. Sugar

C. ATP  

D. Vitamins

Spending ATP involves hydrolyzing it into ADP and inorganic P. The energy released can drive other chemical reactions.



The energy in a system that is able to do work is called

A. Enthalpy

B. Entropy

C. Free energy

D. Kinetic energy

E. Potential energy

Oxidation is the _____ and reduction is the _____

A. loss of electrons, gain of electrons

B. gain of protons, loss of protons

C. loss of protons, gain of protons

D. loss of electrons, gain of protons

The energy required for organisms to respond to the environment comes from…

A. Vitamins

B. Minerals

C. Water

D. Food 

When a person chews food, the teeth grind the food into smaller pieces. This is an example of…

A. Mechanical Digestion

B. Chemical Change

C. Cellular Respiration

D. Waste Removal

The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy can be –

A. Created

B. Destoryed

C. Converted

D. Lost

Increasing the temperature increases the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction. Once a critical temperature is reached, the reaction stops. Why does this happen?

A. The concentration of reactants drop

B. The enzymes have all been consumed in the reation

C. The increase in temperature alters the pH

D. The polypeptide chains in the enzyme denature

Which of the following is defined as the amount of heat required to raise one gram of water one degree Celsius?

A. Tesla

B. Joule

C. Newton

D. Calorie

E. Dalton

A muscle contraction is ___, but as the muscle contracts heat is released which is ____.

A. Exergonic, endergonic

B. Exergonic, exergonic

C. Endergonic, endergonic

D. Endergonic, exergonic

A catalyst speeds up chemical reactions. How do catalysts do this?

A. Decreasing entropy

B. Altering /\G

C. Consuming reactants

D. Lowering activation energy

E. Making different products

Dashawn has asthma which affects the ___________________, which is the body system that takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide

A. Digestive System

B. Cellular Respiration

C. Circulatory System

D. Respiratory System

Which is true of the difference between healthy bodies vs. athlete bodies?

A. There is no difference between healthy bodies and athlete bodies

B. Athletes take in less oxygen molecules

C. Athletes are more likely to have heart failure

D. Athletetes’ muscle cells have an unusually high number of mitochondria

Gabriel ate a rotten egg which is negatively impacting his  ___________________, which is the body system that takes in food and breaks it down.

A. Respiratory System

B. Digestive System

C. Circulatory System

D. Metabolism

A ball sitting atop a hill begins to roll down after getting a slight tap. This is analogous to an endergonic reaction.



A reaction with a positive /\G is –

A. Exergonic

B. Entropic

C. Endergonic

D. Enthalpic

E. Energertic

When muscles contract, chemical energy is converted to mechanical energy with the loss of heat. This conversion of energy is an example of the ____ Law of Thermodynamics.

A. First

B. Second

C. Third

D. Fourth

Enzymes are consumed by reactions



If inhibition is to be competitive, which of the following must be true?

A. There must be more than one binding site

B. The substrate and the inhibitor must be similar

C. The reaction can not require a cofactor

D. The reaction must be endergonic

E. The allosteric and active sites must be near each other

Sam’s heart pumps blood to her  ___________________ which is the body system that transports molecules to and from all cells of the body.

A. Circulatory System

B. Metabolism

C. Respiratory System

D. Nervous System


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