Medical Quiz

Leaves Quiz

Leaves of ______ plant are used to give aroma to the food?

A. Mint

B. Coriander

C. Curry

D. All of these

Select your answer:


The Teeth EMS Systems Teeth and Microbes Vocabulary Diseases & Disorders Central and Peripheral Nervous System Psychopathology Human Anatomy and Physiology The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics Micro Immunology Dimensions of Wellness Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle Infectious Diseases Nutrition and Calorific Value Immune System

Other quiz:

Nervous System › View

This controls involuntary actions.

A. cerebellum

B. cerebrum

C. brain stem

D. spinal cord

Head and Neck Anatomy › View

Which is not a symptom of TMD?

A. pain

B. joint sound

C. enlarged lymph nodes

D. limitation in movement