Medical Quiz

Micro Immunology Quiz


   tissue transplanted from one site to another on the same person

A. Autografts

B.  Isografts

C. Xenografts

D.  Allografts

 Which immune cell is responsible for the quickest release of histamine that causes the red itchy welts associated with allergies?

A. mast cells

B. lymphocytes

C. eosinophiles

D. basophils

   Transplant tissue taken from a different animal species and is not likely to be successful.

A. Autografts

B.  Isografts

C. Xenografts

D.  Allografts

 This type of immunity is passed through the placenta or from breast milk.          

A. active natural acquired

B. passive natural acquired  

C. active artificial acquired

D. passive artificial acquired

The first line of defense against organisms entering the body is the skin & mucus membranes.



 Can Cross the placental barrier

A.  IgA

B.   IgD

C.  IgE

D. IgG

E.  IgM  

 The most abundant phagocytes in blood, actively engulfs and kills bacteria.

A.  neutrophils

B.  basophils

C. eosinophils

D. monocytes

 Can fix a complement.

A.  IgA

B.   IgD

C.  IgE

D. IgG

E.  IgM  

 Differentiate into plasma cells and form antibodies (humoral immunity).

A.  Dendritic cells

B. Mast cells

C. Natural Killer (NK)

D. B-cells 

E.  T-cells

Involved in allergies 

A.  IgA

B.   IgD

C.  IgE

D. IgG

E.  IgM  

 Specific cellular membrane responses, assist b-cells, kill foreign cells.

A.  Dendritic cells

B. Mast cells

C. Natural Killer (NK)

D. B-cells 

E.  T-cells

 These cells are active in worm and fungal infections

A.  neutrophils

B.  basophils

C. eosinophils

D. monocytes

 These are found in blood, stain blue and function in inflammatory events.

A.  neutrophils

B.  basophils

C. eosinophils

D. monocytes

Relative of macrophages, lives in tissues, phagocytizes and presents it to lymphocytes.

A.  Dendritic cells

B. Mast cells

C. Natural Killer (NK)

D. B-cells 

E.  T-cells

  Tissue grafts from an identical person (identical twin)

A. Autografts

B.  Isografts

C. Xenografts

D.  Allografts

Blood phagocytes that mature into dendritic cells and macrophages

A.  neutrophils

B.  basophils

C. eosinophils

D. monocytes

Related to T-cells, but no antigen specific immunity, active against cancerous and viral infected cells.

A. Dendritic cells

B. Mast cells

C. Natural Killer (NK)

D. B-cells

E. T-cells

The role of this antibody class is Important in activation of B cells.

A.  IgA

B.   IgD

C.  IgE

D. IgG

E.  IgM  

Two functions of the lymph Immune system include absorbing fats and vitamins from the digestive track and returning waste products and extra fluid to the circulatory system. 



  This type of immunity comes from having an infectious encounter in daily life.     

A. active natural acquired

B. passive natural acquired  

C. active artificial acquired

D. passive artificial acquired

 Transplant tissue taken from an unrelated person.

A. Autografts

B.  Isografts

C. Xenografts

D.  Allografts

Primary cells involved in specific immune reactions

A.  neutrophils

B.  basophils

C. eosinophils

D. monocytes

E.  lymphocytes

This type of immunity is created when you receive a vaccination (shot) at the Dr. office.

A. active natural acquired

B. passive natural acquired  

C. active artificial acquired

D. passive artificial acquired

 Found mainly in mucus

A.  IgA

B.   IgD

C.  IgE

D. IgG

E.  IgM  

 Specialized tissue cells, similar to basophils that trigger inflammation.

A.  Dendritic cells

B. Mast cells

C. Natural Killer (NK)

D. B-cells 

E.  T-cells


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