Medical Quiz

Central and Peripheral Nervous System Quiz


What joins the two hemispheres of the brain together?

A. corpus callosum

B. cerebral cortex

C. frontal lobe

D. cerebellum

What does the somatic system do? (the somatic system is part of the Peripheral Nervous System)

A. It speeds up functions of the body ready for fight or flight

B. it slows down functions of the body ready for rest and digest

C. It consists of all the neurons outside of the Central Nervous System

D. It is used for actions that you control (reaching out and grabbing something) and sensing stimuli

An impulse is travelling along an axon. It reaches a synapse, what happens next?

A. The impulse jumps the gap to the dendrite of the next neuron and continues on its way

B. Neurotransmitters are released into the synapse, which bind to the next neuron, generating an impulse in that neuron

C. Dopamine is released into the synapse, which binds to the next neuron, generating an impulse in that neuron

D. The impulse waits while the next neuron prepares itself to receive the signal

How does the body prevent damage to the fragile brain and spinal cord?

A. the brain is kept floating in the skull so it can absorb impacts

B. the brain and spinal cord are enclosed in bone (skull and spinal column) to protect it

C. the spinal cord is kept safe by being hidden behind other body organs and muscles

D. The brain isn’t as protected as the spinal cord

PNS stands for

A. Parallel Nervous System

B. Peripheral Nervous System

C. Physical Nervous System

D. Pressure Nervous System

This system detects stimuli with receptors.

A. Somatic

B. Autonomic

C. Peripheral

D. Sympathetic

The Central Nervous System is made up of

A. the cerebellum and cerebrum

B. the brain and spinal cord

C. the brainstem and spinal cord

D. cerebrum and spinal cord

In this picture of a brain, the yellow part is known as the

A. cerebellum

B. cerebrum

C. spinal cord

D. cerebral cortex

The fight or flight response is caused by what system?

A. Sympathetic

B. Parasympathetic

C. Somatic

D. Autonomic

The Peripheral Nervous System is made up of

A. the brain and spinal cord

B. all of the neurons in the body

C. the neurons outside of the brain and spinal cord

D. the neurons in your arms and legs

Sensory neurons and Motor neurons are apart of what system?

A. Somatic

B. Sympathetic

C. Autonomic

D. Central nervous system

In this picture of a brain, the green section is known as the

A. thalamus

B. frontal cortex

C. cerebellum

D. cerebrum

The Peripheral Nervous System is divided into the Somatic System and the Autonomic System




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