Medical Quiz

Genetics Quiz

How much of your DNA do you inherit from your mom?
A. 10%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. it varies

Select your answer:


CABG Surgery Cell and Tissue Immunity and Vaccines Cells, Genetics & Heredity Review Cell Bio Nutritional Measurements Medical Terminology Prefixes Human Reproduction Urinary System Medical Terms Anatomy: Muscle Molecular Genetics CNA Introduction Health Issues Related to Digesting System and Eating Habits Nervous / Sensory System Nutrients in Food

Other quiz:

Cells › View

Which best describes the main job of most cells in multicellular organisms?

A. Cells work to keep themselves alive.

B. Cells work to keep the organism alive.

C. Cells work to release needed materials.

D. Cells work to store unneeded materials.

Human Body Systems › View

Bones are part of the skeletal system and the job of the bones is to –

A. fight diseases

B. support the body

C. send messages

D. break down nutrients