Medical Quiz

DNA Replication Quiz

Which is the first step?

A. DNA Helicase unwinds original DNA strand

B. RNA Primase lays down RNA primer for new nucleotide bases.

C. DNA polymerase builds new strands by bring in new nucleotide bases.

D. Ligase knits together fragments on lagging strand

Select your answer:


Musculoskeletal - Clinical Hospital Wards and Departments Endocrine System and Nervous System Nutrition Bacteria & Viruses Digestive System and Nutrition Energy and Metabolism Innate Immunity Physiology Living Organisms Immunity and Vaccines Brain and Nervous System CABG Surgery Ankle Injuries Blood Typing

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Do fungi have a cell wall?

A. Yes

B. No

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Which of the following don’t belong?

A. Spleen

B. Submandibular Gland

C. Sublingual Gland

D. Parotid Gland

E. All of these belong