Medical Quiz

Bones Quiz

What is the bone at 9?

A. Tibia

B. Fibula

C. Radius

D. Femur

Select your answer:


Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities Protozoan Diseases Macro and Micro Nutrients Viruses and Prions Diseases of The Nervous System Circulatory and Respiratory System MS Neurology Phlebotomy Medical Terminology Endocrine System Disorders Health issue related to immune system Bacteria and Protist Review Atoms and Radioactivity Acute Responses to Exercise Central Nervous System Non-infectious Disease

Other quiz:

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You are a doctor and Little Billy is in your office with the flu. His mother wants you to prescribe an antibiotic. Which would be the best response?

A. “Absolutely, get that kid an antibiotic!”

B. “Actually, he just needs to take a painkiller.”

C. “Unfortunately, antibiotics do not work against viruses like the flu.”

D. “Give him a vaccine and he will feel better right away!”

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A hospital capable of providing specialized services such as trauma care, pediatric care, cardiac care, stroke care, or burn care is a(n):

A. Advanced Health Care Facility

B. Specialty Hospital

C. Trauma Clinic

D. Research Hospital