Medical Quiz

EMS Systems Quiz

A hospital capable of providing specialized services such as trauma care, pediatric care, cardiac care, stroke care, or burn care is a(n):

A. Advanced Health Care Facility

B. Specialty Hospital

C. Trauma Clinic

D. Research Hospital

Select your answer:


Biochemistry Vocabulary Biodiversity Human Digestive System Genetics Breathing ...Respiration Effects of Exercise on the Musculoskeletal System The Skeletal System Systematic Bacteriology Muscle pathophysiology Musculoskeletal LE Joints Physical and Sensory Impairment Fungi/Bacteria/Biotechnology Basic Structure of the Human Body Cardiology

Other quiz:

Endocrine System › View

Not a type of stimuli hormone release

A. Humoral Stimuli

B. Neural Stimuli

C. Hormonal Stimuli

D. Humoural Stimuli

Food › View

Which of the following nutrients provides energy to the body?
A. carbohydrates
B. vitamins
C. water
D. minerals