Medical Quiz

Basic Structure of the Human Body Quiz


In mitosis, cells division produces two identical cells.



The basic unit of structure and function of all living things is ____.

A. the cell

B. protoplasm

C. nervous tissue

D. none of these

What does nervous tissue do?

A. allows for movement of the body or things within the body

B. makes up the skin

C. controls and coordinates body activities

D. None of the above

Which organelle is a fine network of tubular structures that allow transport of materials into/out of the nucleus?

A. vacuole

B. pinocytic vesicle

C. endoplasmic reticulum

D. cell membrane

The study of the process of living things…..why and how they work is ______.

A. anatomy

B. physiology

C. pathophysiology

D. pathoanatomy

Which is NOT a function of adipose tissue?

A. can be utilized by the body for energy

B. insulates the body

C. connects muscles to bones

D. acts as padding around organs

Which organelle produces, stores, and packages secretions for discharge from the cell?

A. Golgi Body

B. centrosome

C. nucleus

D. endoplasmic reticulum

The study of how disease occurs is ______.

A. anatomy

B. physiology

C. pathophysiology

D. pathoanatomy

Which are examples of connective tissue?

A. bones, adipose tissue, blood

B. nerves

C. skeletal, cardiac, and visceral muslces

D. the skin and glands

Which is NOT a type of muscle tissue?

A. skeletal

B. cardiac

C. visceral/smooth

D. digestive

Two or more tissues that join together for a common purpose form a(n) _____.

A. cell group

B. organ

C. organ system

D. none of these

The basic SUBSTANCE of life is ________.

A. the cell

B. protoplasm

C. the organism

D. muscle tissue

In meiosis, each new cell has 46 chromosomes.



When body systems work together to maintain an human body, there is a(n) _____.

A. cell group

B. organ system

C. organism

D. tissue group

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is present in all human cells.



Cells of the same type that join together for a common purpose form _____.

A. organs

B. tissues

C. organ systems

D. none of these

Which is the “powerhouse” of the cell and produces energy?

A. lysosome

B. pinocytic vesicle

C. mitochondria

D. nucleolus

With mitosis, each new cell created has 46 chromosmes (23 pairs).



Which is the outer, protective covering of the cell?

A. cell membrane

B. cytoplasm

C. lysosome

D. mitochondria

The semi-liquid fluid inside the cell, which serves as the site for all chemical reactions is the _________.

A. plasma membrane

B. protoplasm

C. cytoplasm

D. Golgi Body

Meisosis is the process utilized in the reproduction of the sex cells (egg & sperm.)



Which is a pocket-like fold in the cell membrane that helps large molecules enter the cell?

A. vacuole

B. mitochondria

C. lysosome

D. pinocytic vesicle

The study of the form and structure of an organism is _____.

A. physiology

B. pathophysiology

C. anatomy

D. chemistry

When organs and other body parts join together for a particular function, a(n) _______ is formed.

A. organ

B. cell

C. organ system

D. organism

Which is located within the nucleus and manufactures ribosomes?

A. mitochondria

B. nucleolus

C. vacuole

D. plasma membrane


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