Medical Quiz

Population Ecology Quiz

Factors like predation can have a positive benefit to the population of prey organisms because predators tend to keep prey populations below their ___________.

A. carrying capacity

B. sustainibility number

C. exponential growth point

D. competition level

Select your answer:


Pediatric Cardiology Neurons Phlebotomy Chest, Back, Abs Vision & Hearing First Aid Medication Administration Medical Microbiology Public Health and Genetic Disease Brain Viruses CLPT, M.Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics; Regulatory Affairs ADVBIO Genetics Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Cells, Tissues and Organs

Other quiz:

Lifestyle Diseases › View

Which of the following are habits that could help reduce your risk of catching an infectious disease?

A. Wash hands/Hand sanitizer

B. Cover mouth when sneezing or coughing

C. Eat a healthy diet and get enough sleep

D. Increase your vitamin C intake

E. All of these

Immune system › View

Which describes the protein molecules that trigger the immune response?

A. antigen

B. antibody

C. antibiotic

D. pathogens