Medical Quiz

ology & phobia Quiz

What does the suffix “-ology” mean?
A. fear of
B. study of
C. love of
D. after

Select your answer:


Functional Anatomy in Track & Field Cell Theory & Melanoma Healthcare Systems and Settings Human Anatomy and Physiology Ankle Injuries The Cell Anatomy - Muscle Contraction and Growth Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow The Brain Our Control Center Viruses Biomolecules Composition of Blood and Blood Cells Human Urinary System Anatomy: Muscle Blood Pathology Cell Division

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What organ of the digestive system produces bile?

A. Liver

B. Gall bladder

C. Stomach

D. Pancreas

Vital Signs › View

When taking a respiration rate do all of the following EXCEPT

A. watch the chest

B. tell the patient to count

C. count for one minute

D. record respiration rate