Medical Quiz

Chest, Back, Abs Quiz

Which muscle is shown here?

A. Teres minor

B. Infraspinatus

C. Teres major

D. Rhomboid major

Select your answer:


Circulatory & Lymphatic Muscle System Medical Suffixes Molecular Basis of Inheritance Deficiency Diseases Med Term Musculoskeletal Surgical Nutrition Disease Outbreak and Transmission Psychopathology Muscular EKG CCMA Health Issues Related to Digesting System and Eating Habits Soldiers of Defense Dimensions of Wellness Pathophysiology - Adaptive Immunity

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Psychology › View

Which approach to psychology focuses on how behavior and thinking vary across situations and cultures?

A. humanistic

B. psychodynamic

C. social-cultural

D. cognitive

Illness and Symptoms › View

I feel like I can’t stand up, everything is spinning around me. I feel ____________.

A. flu

B. nauseous

C. dizzy

D. fever