Medical Quiz

Med Term Musculoskeletal Quiz


specialist in treatment that consists of manipulation of the vertebral column

A. osteopath

B. chiropodist

C. chiropractor

D. orthopedist

refers to the study of several conditions that affect the joints, tendons, muscle, ligaments, bones, and muscles

A. osteopathy

B. rheumatology

C. rheumatologist

D. orthotics

physician who specializes in the study and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

A. osteopath

B. chiropodist

C. chiropractor

D. orthopedist

specialist in treating and diagnosing diseases and disorders of the foot

A. osteopath

B. chiropodist

C. chiropractor

D. orthopedist

Pain in the joint

A. ischiopubic

B. osteonecrosis

C. arthralgia

D. atrophy

process of wasting away

A. atrophy

B. osteonecrosis

C. osteoblast

D. osteoclast

record of the electrical activity in muscle

A. arthrography

B. arthroscopy

C. electromyogram

excision of cartilage

A. carpectomy

B. costectomy

C. chondroplasty

D. chondrectomy

abnormal bone death

A. atrophy

B. osteonecrosis

C. osteoblast

D. osteoclast

slow movement

A. atrophy

B. osteonecrosis

C. bradykinesia

D. lumbosacral

removal of any bone

A. rachiotomy

B. ostectomy

C. osteoclasis

D. phalangectomy

crackling or grating sound

A. osteoclast

B. chiropractic

C. crepitus

D. prosthesis

radiographic imaging of a joint

A. arthrography

B. arthroscopy

C. electromyogram

physician who specializes in the relationship between the internal organs and the musculoskeletal system.

A. osteopath

B. chiropodist

C. chiropractor

D. orthopedist

surgical breaking of a stiff joint

A. arthrocentesis

B. arthroclasia

C. arthrodesis

D. arthroplasty


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