Medical Quiz

Life Processes Quiz

What are the products of photosynthesis?
A. Carbon dioxide and water
B. Carbon dioxide and oxygen
C. Glucose and oxygen
D. Glucose and water

Select your answer:


Skin and Derivatives Bones Body System Interactions Nature of Science Infection Infectious Diseases & the WHO Limitation of Senses Biochemistry/Cells My Teeth STNA (State Tested Nursing Assistant) Blood and Bones Pulmonology Pain Management Cell Structure and Functions Medicinal use of Microorganisims

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Communicable Disease › View

Define Disease.

A. the result of an infection when signs and symptoms appear

B. When germs enter the body and multiply

C. Disease-causing organisms that are known as pathogens

D. Something you can never get rid of

Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria › View

Bacteria that cause disease are called

A. microbes

B. pathogens

C. decomposers

D. autotrophs