Medical Quiz

Blood and Bones Quiz


What is the function of hemoglobin?

A. to carry iron

B. to carry wastes

C. to carry oxygen

D. to produce oxygen

Where are three places you can find cartilage?

A. nose, tongue and eyes

B. nose, ears and joints

C. fingernails, lips and eyes

D. skin, eyes and lungs

What do we call the place where two or more bones meet?

A. head

B. cranium

C. joints

D. feet

What makes up around 55% of the blood?

A. Plasma

B. Red Blood Cells

C. White Blood Cells

D. Platelets

Connects bone to bone

A. Ligament

B. Tendon

C. Cartilidge

The shoulder joint is

A. Hinge

B. Gliding

C. Ball and socket

D. Pivot

Tendons connect…

A. bones to joints.

B. muscles to bones.

C. bones to bones.

D. muscles to muscles.

What bones protect your heart and lungs?

A. pelvis and spine

B. brain and spine

C. ribs and sternum

D. ribs and pelvis

The musculoskeletal system is formed by…

A. muscles and bones.

B. circulatory system and excretory system.

C. muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, blood and urine.

D. ligaments and tendons.

What are functions of the skeleton?

A. Protection

B. Blood cell production

C. Movement

D. All of these

The shape of the RBC allows for a greater surface area so the cell can

A. fit through capillaries easily

B. exchange gasses more quickly

C. hold additional hemoglobin

D. reproduce quicker

What does your bone marrow make?

A. muscles

B. cartilage

C. blood cells

D. germs

Choose the correct stament

A. A muscle is rigid and flexible.

B. A muscle is rigid and hard.

C. A muscle is flexible and hard.

D. A muscle is soft and flexible.

What do your bones protect?

A. organs

B. skin

C. muscles

D. feelings

What is the biggest bone in your body?

A. fibula

B. humerus

C. pelvis

D. femur

Which one is NOT a joint?

A. Knee.

B. Wrist.

C. Humerus.

D. Neck.

What are the three jobs of your bones?

A. movement, structure, joints

B. movement, structure, protection

C. structure, digestion and breathing

D. movement, digestion and breathing

What part of blood carries hemoglobin?

A. Red blood cells

B. Plasma

C. Platlets

D. White blood cells

The knee joint is

A. Hinge

B. Gliding

C. Ball and socket

D. Pivot

The primary mineral stored by compact bone is

A. Calcium

B. Selenium

C. Zinc

D. Magnesium

The lack of sufficient red blood cells in the blood system is called

A. cyanosis

B. anemia

C. hemochromatosis

D. hypoxia


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