Medical Quiz

Ecology Quiz

What is the most likely explanation of the data shown below?

A. There has been a drought in the area that is affecting all life forms.

B. The population of natural predators of the moths has gotten smaller.

C. The moths are living in an environment with light trees.

D. The moths are living in an environment with dark trees.

Select your answer:


Cosmetology Anatomy The Nervous System Genes, Genomes & Alleles Animal Genetics and Nutrition Integumentary and Musculoskeletal System Muscles and Movements Movement Psychology Eye Physiology Musculoskeletal LE Living Organisms & Animal Behaviors Organelles Medicine Clinics Disease Prevention Hele Skeletal System

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What is the first vascular change occurring in the beginning of inflammation?

A. Vasodilation

B. Vasoconstriction

C. Congestion

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The study of the body’s resistance to resistance is ___________.

A. Immunology

B. Neurology

C. Dermatology

D. Hematology