Medical Quiz

Macro and Micro Nutrients Quiz

Macronutrients are made up of:

A. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats

B. Vitamins’ A, B and C

C. Meat, Chocolate, Butter

D. Are not good for you.

Select your answer:


Microbial Growth Ear/Eye Medical Terms Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle Enzyme Discovery of DNA Cardiorespiratory System Muscular World Health Day Circulatory System Visual Impairment Trauma Tissues Vet Science Terms Disease as a Failure of Homeostasis The Nervous System and The Senses Skeletal System Homeostatic Imbalances

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Sweating to regulate body temperature is an example of

A. negative feedback

B. positive feedback

C. a homeostatic imbalance

D. aging

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Light, heat, and sound are examples of _.

A. genetic material

B. stimuli

C. responses

D. adaptations