Medical Quiz

Ear/Eye Medical Terms Quiz


Medical instrument used to measure intraocular pressure

A. audiometer

B. audiogram

C. optic

D. tonometer


A. hydr/o

B. hidr/o

C. cry/o

D. my/o

Surgical repair of the tympanic membrane (ear drum)

A. rhinoplasty

B. myringoplasty

C. retinoplasty

D. diplopia

Surgical excision of the tympanic membrane (ear drum)

A. appendectomy

B. splenectomy

C. myringectomy

D. lobectomy

Pertaining to eye/vision

A. corneal

B. cold

C. optic

D. oral

Pertaining to the cornea

A. renal

B. pharyngeal

C. retinal

D. corneal

Specialist in ear, nose and throat, also known as ENT doctors

A. ophthalmologist

B. cardiologist

C. otorhinolaryngologist

D. neurologist

Earache. Pain in the ear

A. otalgia

B. cephalgia

C. encephalopathy

D. audiometer

Specialist in eye diseases

A. Ophthalmologist

B. Optometrist

C. Endocrinologist

D. Pulmonologist

Malignant tumor of the retina

A. carcinoma

B. melanoma

C. lymphoma

D. retinoblastoma

Surgical repair of the eyelid

A. myringoplasty

B. blepharoplasty

C. keratoplasty

D. rhinoplasty

Dry eye condition

A. retinopathy

B. xerophtalmia

C. retinoblastoma

D. myringoscope

Light sensitive (afraid of light)

A. agoraphobia

B. photophobia

C. arachnophobia

D. acrophobia

Record of hearing

A. telegram

B. audiogram

C. hologram

D. otalgia

Surgical repair of the cornea

A. myringoplasty

B. blepharoplasty

C. keratoplasty

D. rhinoplasty

Ringing or roaring in the ears

A. sinusitis

B. rhinitis

C. cystitis

D. tinnitus

Inflammation of the ear

A. cystitis

B. otitis

C. arthritis

D. endocarditis

Condition of double vision

A. diplopia

B. biopic

C. myopia

D. tinnitus

instrument for visual examination of the tympanic membrane (ear drum)

A. otoscope

B. laryngoscope

C. myringoscope

D. otitis media


A. myring/o

B. ot/o

C. opt/o

D. or/p

Any disease of the retina

A. retinopathy

B. encephalopathy

C. photophobia

D. xerophtalmia

Instrument for visual examination of the ear

A. laryngoscope

B. spirometer

C. otoscope

D. stethoscope

Medical instrument to measure hearing

A. Audiometer

B. Audiologist

C. Tonometer

D. Sphygmomanometer

Suffix meaning surgical repair

A. -oma

B. -plasty

C. -scope

D. -scopy


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