Medical Quiz

Trauma Quiz


A patient has a small wooden splinter impaled in their eye. You should:

A. remove the splinter

B. instruct the patient to look down and to the left

C. gently bandage both eyes

D. bandage only the injured eye

Most cases of external bleeding can be controlled by:

A. applying direct pressure

B. using a tourniquet

C. securing a pressure bandage

D. applying a clotting agent

The material placed directly over a wound to help control bleeding is called a(n):

A. bandage

B. elastic bandage

C. occlusive dressing

D. dressing

Which one of the following is NOT a typical characteristic of arterial bleeding?

A. blood spurts from the wound

B. blood flows slowly from the wound

C. the color of the blood is bright red

D. blood loss is often profuse in a short period of time

All of the following are signs of shock EXCEPT:

A. increased pulse rate

B. decreasing blood pressure

C. pink, warm, moist skin

D. altered mental status

Psychogenic shock is commonly known as:

A. hyperperfusion

B. stress reaction shock

C. decompensation

D. fainting

A wound where the top layers of skin have been scraped off, commonly seen in falls, can BEST be described as a(n):

A. abrasion

B. amputation

C. laceration

D. avulsion

You arrive on scene to find a young girl with an active nosebleed. She is crying and the sight of the blood is scaring her. You should:

A. position her on her side while holding pressure on the nose

B. have her lean forward while you pinch the nostrils

C. have her lean backward as far as possible while holding the nose

D. pack both nostrils with sterile gauze

A 37 year old female as cut her arm while using a circular saw. The wound continues to bleed heavily, despite the direct pressure and bandage you have applied. You should:

A. re-apply the pressure bandage

B. apply a tourniquet

C. have the patient hold her arm above her head

D. check her blood pressure

When injury to the spinal cord causes systemic dilation of the blood vessels in the body, ________ shock develops.

A. psychogenic

B. hemorrhagic

C. compensated

D. neurogenic

A 23 year old woman has been kicked in the abdomen by a horse. She is alert and oriented and complains of pain to her lower abdomen. You should suspect:

A. a flail chest

B. internal bleeding

C. a fractured pelvis

D. an ectopic pregnancy

Your patient shows signs of shock, and you suspect she is bleeding internally. You should:

A. facilitate immediate transport

B. allow her to take a sip of water

C. withhold oxygen

D. elevate her feet

A 33 year old male cut himself with a hunting knife. He has a large flap of skin partially hanging off of his arm. The wound would BEST be described as a(n):

A. laceration

B. abrasion

C. amputation

D. avulsion

Which of the following mechanisms would MOST LIKELY cause serious internal bleeding?

A. ground level fall

B. thermal burn

C. blunt force trauma

D. low speed vehicle collision

Which one of the following best describes the appropriate care for an amputated body part?

A. Wrap it with clean gauze and place it on ice

B. Apply a tourniquet to the exposed end of the part

C. Bandage the part back onto the body

D. Place the part in sterile water

Which one of the following patients is most at risk for multisystem trauma?

A. 16 year old who fell four feet from a ladder

B. 66 year old woman ejected from a vehicle rollover

C. 44 year old man whose foot was crushed by a forklift

D. 27 year old struck in the head by a baseball bat

The four categories of shock include:

A. psychogenic, respiratory, hypoglycemic, neurogenic

B. cardiogenic, hypovolemic, distributive, obstructive

C. obstructive, anemic, hypoxic, cardiogenic

D. hypoxic, ventricular, diabetic, distributive

Why does a patient’s pulse rate increase as shock develops?

A. to force oxygenated blood out of the patient’s body core

B. to counteract the high blood pressure

C. to maintain adequate perfusion

D. to create more blood to compensate for fluid loss

Your patient has been impaled through the right thigh by a long piece of metal bar. You should:

A. carefully remove the object

B. tie both legs together

C. stabilize the object with bulky dressing

D. cut both ends of the bar to make it shorter

When the body sustains a significant loss of blood, which type of shock is most likely to occur?

A. anaphylactic

B. cardiogenic

C. hemorrhagic

D. septic

You are caring for a patient with a severe soft tissue injury to the lower leg. You have exposed the wound, and it is bleeding. What should you do?

A. apply direct pressure

B. remove debris from the wound

C. care for shock

D. elevate the extremity

Which of the following does NOT describe a common pathophysiology of shock?

A. dilated blood vessels

B. obstruction of blood flow

C. severe fluid loss

D. increased total blood volume

You arrive at the scene of an unresponsive man who crashed his motorcycle into a tree at a high rate of speed. His skin is pale and clammy, pulse is 44 and weak and you are unable to obtain a blood pressure. This patient is most likely experiencing _____________ shock.

A. psychogenic

B. compensated

C. decompensated

D. respiratory

Which of the following describes the appropriate body substance isolation (PPE) precautions to use when caring for a patient with external bleeding?

A. sterile gloves

B. face shield and gown

C. gloves and goggles

D. N95 mask and safety goggles

Which of the following interventions is MOST important to the survival of a patient showing signs of shock?

A. splinting fractures

B. immediate transport

C. spinal immobilization

D. bandaging wounds


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