Medical Quiz

Tissues Vet Science Terms Quiz



A. integument

B. myofiber

C. Displaced Abomasum

D. Neurons

forms covering the entire body

A. epithelial tissue

B. Tendons

C. Tissue

D. peripheral nervous system

A fibrous connective tissue that connects bone to bone

A. Ligaments

B. hypocalcemia

C. integument


includes all the nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord

A. peripheral nervous system

B. Ligaments

C. organs

D. Horner’s syndrome

nerve damage that causes several eye malfunctions, including pupil constriction, eyelid drooping, protrusion of the third eyelid, and sunken eyes

A. Horner’s syndrome

B. adipose tissue


D. hypocalcemia

when the nerve is damaged and the muscle on the shoulder blade shrinks

A. sweeny

B. keratin

C. integument

D. organs

is a collection of fibers that ties the epithelium to the underlying connective tissue

A. basement membrane

B. Ligaments

C. myofiber

D. Horner’s syndrome

the brain and spinal cord

A. central nervous system

B. Tendons

C. myofiber

D. organs

cramping with potential muscle damage in working horses that occurs the Monday after a weekend of rest and full feed

A. Tying up or Monday morning disease

B. Ligaments

C. epithelial tissue

D. Tissue

an entire muscle cell

A. myofiber

B. porcine stress syndrome

C. epithelial tissue

D. Tissue

swine condition in which calcium leaks from the endoplasmic reticulum, causing pigs to shake involuntary

A. porcine stress syndrome

B. integument

C. Neurons

D. basement membrane

calcium levels in blood and muscles become too low

A. hypocalcemia

B. Tendons

C. integument

D. Tying up or Monday morning disease

collections of tissues

A. organ

B. Ligaments

C. porcine stress syndrome

D. central nervous system

collection of cells organized for a particular function

A. Tissue

B. myofiber

C. sweeny

D. integument

nerve cell

A. Neurons

B. myofiber

C. sweeny

D. adipose tissue

specialized protein found in hooves and claws

A. keratin

B. Tying up or Monday morning disease

C. keratin

D. myofiber

muscle stiffness after death due to the lack of calcium

A. rigor mortis

B. peripheral nervous system

C. Neurons

D. organs

consists of cells filled with lipids

A. adipose tissue


C. peripheral nervous system

D. Neurons

a mild contagious viral infection common in small kids


B. keratin

C. hypocalcemia

D. Neurons

a condition commonly called a twisted stomach in which the fourth stomach of a cow fills with gas and is pulled upward.

A. Displaced Abomasum

B. Tendons

C. rigor mortis

D. rigor mortis


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