Medical Quiz

Anatomical Terminology Quiz

What do the initials O.T. mean?

A. orderly

B. occupational therapist

C. occupation treatment

Select your answer:


Viruses Neuroanatomy of CNS Homeostasis - Vision Correction Vision and Light Blood Pathology Muscles and Healthy Body Environment Bonding and the Periodic Table Obstructive Lung Disease Counseling: Fact or Myth? Circulatory System - Pathway of Blood Vitamins and Minerals Ears Source of Food Pathology Introduction Cell Injury

Other quiz:

Viruses › View

Which of the following is one important difference between a virus and a bacterial cell?

A. a virus is much larger in size than a bacterial cell

B. a virus always causes more severe disease than a bacterial cell

C. a virus can never reproduce on its own, but a bacterial cell can

D. a virus does not contain genetic material, but a bacterial cell does

DNA & Types of Reproduction › View

A gene carries coded information for the creation of a

A. protein

B. nucleotide

C. golgi body

D. lysosome