Medical Quiz

Branches of Medicine Quiz

The study of disease is called _______________

A. Podiatry

B. Psychiatry

C. Oncology

D. Pathology

Select your answer:


Health and Hygiene Epithelial Thyroid Disease Adaptive Immune System Latin & Greek in Medicine DNA, RNA, Proteins Sports Medicine Blood and Bones Parts of the Brain Musculoskeletal LE MS Neurology Antimicrobial Pharmacology Pathogens HNBS Intern Heredity and Living Cells

Other quiz:

Respiratory › View

When will our chest become smaller?

A. Inhale

B. Exhale

C. Do nothing

D. Contain water vapor

Cells and Organ Systems › View

The heart pumps blood to get ________ to our cells.
A. carbon dioxide
B. warlocks
C. oxygen