Medical Quiz

Branches of Microbiology Quiz

Which is NOT a groups used to classify parasites?

A. protozoa

B. bacteriophage

C. arthropods

D. helminths

Select your answer:


Cell Vocabulary Heart and Circulatory System Common Diseases in Human Beings Eye Physiology Cellular Transport and Metabolism Brain and Nervous System Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology Excretion Muscle Tissue Transportation in Organisms Nature of Science Body Fluids and Blood Cells World Health Day Cardiorespiratory Endurance Human Eye and Colorful World

Other quiz:

Biotechnology › View

What are Bt crops?

A. Crops that are resistant to pests

B. Crops that are genetically engineered to carry a gene from a virus

C. Crops that are genetically engineered to carry a gene from a bacterium

D. Crops that are resistant to drought

Human Anatomy › View

Although the brain makes up 2% of your body’s weight, it uses approximately ____% of its energy

A. 20

B. 40

C. 50

D. 70