Medical Quiz

Branches of Microbiology Quiz

Which is NOT a groups used to classify parasites?

A. protozoa

B. bacteriophage

C. arthropods

D. helminths

Select your answer:


Trauma Motor Neuron Disease Prehabilitation and Conditioning Kinetics Teeths Careers in Health Care Muscles and Healthy Body Health Sensory System Anatomy and Pathology Communicable Diseases and Immune Response (OCR) Musculoskeletal LE Disease MEDICINE Deficiency Disease Nail Disorders and Diseases

Other quiz:

Dimensions of Wellness › View

Healthy relationships are connected to ________________ health.

A. Mental/Emotional

B. Physical

C. Family/Social

Infection Control › View

An infection that begins in a healthcare facility is a

A. endogenous

B. nosocomial

C. exogenous

D. opportunistic