Medical Quiz

Meiosis and intro to Genetics Quiz

When we say that a woman is a carrier for a genetic disease or disorder it means that
A. she has 1 gene, but not the disorder
B. she has 2 genes for the disorder
C. she can pass the gene only to male children
D. she can pass the gene only to female children

Select your answer:


Skeleton and Muscles Human Anatomy and Physiology Respiratory System Med Term Microbial Growth Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids Antimicrobial Pharmacology Shoulder Diseases and Preventions Forensics: Blood Illnesses and Diseases in Caregiving Infectious Diseases & the WHO Molecular Basis of Inheritance Renal & Neural Nutrition & Wellness The Brain Our Control Center

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Fungi, Plants, and Animals

A. Unicellular organisms 

B. Multicellular organisms

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The cells walls of fungi are made of a chemical compound known as ____________.
A. Chitin
B. Cellulose
C. Phospholipid Bilayer
D. Calcium Carbonate