Medical Quiz

Biodiversity Quiz

Which compound in the cell wall that causes a Gram positive bacteria stain purple in colour when it is treated with crystal violet dye?

A. Outer membrane

B. Lipoprotein

C. Peptidoglycan

D. Lipopolysaccharide

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Cardiovascular Circulatory System Medical Suffixes Sterile Medication Products Facial & Dental Injuries Infectious Disease and Pathogens History of Medicine Vaccines Liveability Hematology Human Reproduction Introduction to Mycology Nail Innate Immunity Health and The Environment

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Microbiology › View

Live, attenuated vaccines

A. include the Sabin polio vaccine.

B. include the measles, mumps, rubella vaccine (MMR).

C. contain viable microbes that can multiply in the person.

D. All of the answers shown

Urinary System › View

Mechanism to maintain pH of blood includes

A. Buffer systems

B. Exhalation of carbon dioxide

C. Kidney excretion of H+

D. All of the above