Medical Quiz

Liveability Quiz


Access to services e.g. shops and schools are examples of liveability criteria



Ben and Jess have five kids of school age a large dog and they like to be outdoors. Choose one factor from the following, that will probably not influence their decision to live in a certain neighbourhood.

A. Schools nearby.

B. Dog walking park.

C. Large house.

D. Aged care home.

Australiasia is an interesting region because:

A. it has some of the world’s most and least liveable cities

B. it has some of the world’s most liveable cities

C. it has some of the world’s least liveable cities

D. it is where I live

According to the Economist, which European city was the most liveable for 2018?

A. Frankfurt, Germany

B. Paris, France

C. Vienna, Austria

D. London, England

Good public transport is considered a part of which measure of liveability?

A. safety and stability

B. environmental quality

C. climate

D. infrastructure

According to the source shown, the order of liveability of these cities (from most to least liveable) is:

A. Vienna, Toronto. Tokyo, Damascus

B. Toronto, Copenhagen, Harare, Dhaka

C. Toronto, Copenhagen, Dhaka, Harare

D. Dhaka, Harare, Copenhagen, Toronto

Which of the following factors woould reduce the liveability of a location?

A. Quality public transport

B. High housing prices

C. Large amounts of green spaces and parks

D. Low unemployment

Which of the following is not considered a description of a liveable place?

A. affordable

B. safe

C. easy to get around

D. exciting

What is liveability?

A. An assessment of how good or bad a place is to live in

B. How many people live in one place

C. How long people live in one place

D. The ability to live somewhere

Which of the following descriptions would represent the most liveable climate?

A. Hot temperatures, no rain

B. Freezing temperatures, no rain

C. Extremely hot temperatures, lots of rain

D. Mild temperatures, some rain

Which city is the most desirable to live in?

A. Perth

B. Johannesburg

C. Damascus

D. Harare

A place with high levels of crime and little access to clean water would have

A. High liveability

B. Low liveability

The city pictured is considered one of the safest in the world. It is:

A. Texas

B. Tokyo

C. Kabul

D. Harare

Vienna is a liveable city because:

A. it has excellent infrastructure, such as public transport.

B. education there is the most expensive in the world.

C. it has enough theme parks for everyone in the country.

D. it has high crime rates.

Why might Tokyo, Japan be considered a safe and stable city?

A. It has high rates of health and high crime rates.

B. It has low crime rates and high rates of health.

C. It has consistently high crime rates.

D. It has the most wealth of any city in the world.

The least liveable cities are most likely to be in:

A. Asia and Australia.

B. Asia and Africa.

C. Europe and Africa.

D. Australia and Canada.

Access to health care and education is…

A. an objective factor

B. a subjective factor

Which of the following is one of the ten safest cities in the world?

A. Mogadishu, Somolia

B. Washington DC, USA

C. Singapore, Singapore

D. Johannesburg, South Africa

Which of the following statements is true?

A. Air pollution tends to worse in small villages.

B. Air pollution is not important to people who do not live in cities.

C. Air pollution tends to be worse in large cities.

D. Air pollution is not a problem in large cities.

What about Perth’s climate makes it liveable?

A. It experiences extreme colds in winter and extreme heat in summer which balances everything out.

B. Its average temperature is tolerable even though it receives little rainfall all year.

C. It experiences high temperatures year round.

D. Its average temperature is tolerable and it receives a decent amount of rain.

Sydney was ranked the world’s most liveable city __ times in a row before Vienna took over it in 2019

A. 5

B. 8

C. 10

D. 2

In a 2019 study of the world’s most liveable cities, Sydney is ranked:

A. top 20.

B. top 10.

C. top 100.

D. top 50.

What is one reason Harare, Zimbabwe is considered a city with low liveability?

A. They have a healthy population.

B. There are very low crime rates.

C. Children do not behave.

D. There is not enough clean water to drink.

What is an objective factor?

A. Factors that can’t be measured

B. a target

C. Factors that can be measured

D. just another factor

According to the graph shown here, which form of transport produces the least greenhouse gas emissions?

A. Bike or walking

B. Large 4WD: driver only

C. Average car: driver only

D. Fuel-efficient car: 4 people


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