Medical Quiz

Immunology Quiz

This reaction may cause sneezing, watery eyes, and cough in response to a foreign substance:
A. immune response
B. allergic response
C. interferon response
D. None of the above responses are correct

Select your answer:


Skin Structure Epithelial Biology Assessment Special Senses Muscoskeletal System Circulatory System Joints and Range of Motion Health and Nutrition Bone Marrow Histology Muscoskeletal Injuries Patho_Genetics Medicine Clinics Infectious Diseases & the WHO Cellular and Sexual Reproduction Iron Kinetics

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Golden rice is known for

A. Vitamin B complex

B. Vitamin C

C. Vitamin A

D. Vitamin: A,D,E,K

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What should you do to protect a contusion before an athlete returns to play?

A. Surgery

B. Pad the Area

C. Heat

D. Stretch