Medical Quiz

Bone Marrow Histology Quiz


How long can B lymphocytes live?

A. One year

B. 8-10 hours

C. Weeks to months

D. 5-10 days

Bone marrow transitions from ______ to _______ as the animal matures.

A. Yellow to yellow

B. Red to yellow

C. Yellow to red

D. Red to red

True/False: An immature red blood cell is called a reticulocyte.



At a later stage in granulopoiesis, does the cytoplasmic to nuclear volume ratio increase or decrease?

A. Increase

B. Decrease

At maturity, the majority of hematopoiesis occurs in the ____________.

A. Bone marrow

B. Liver

C. Spleen

D. Lymph nodes

What is the first identifiable cell in the erythroid series called? Is it a large or small cell?

A. Proerythroblast; small cell

B. Proerythroblast; large cell

C. Proerythrocyte; large cell

D. Proerythrocyte; small cell

What term refers to the removal of cells from circulation?

A. Confiscation

B. Elimination

C. Withdrawal

D. Clearance

What is a colony stimulating factor that responds to low oxygen and stimulates red blood cell generation?

A. Granulopoietin

B. Interleukin-2

C. Interleukin-1

D. Erythropoietin

True/False: Stem, progenitor, and colony-forming units are morphologically distinguishable on H&E.



Where do we find precursors for B and T lymphocytes, respectively?

A. Bone marrow; bone marrow

B. Bone marrow; thymus

C. Thymus; thymus

D. Thymus; bone marrow

Yellow bone marrow is composed of ________.

A. Red blood cells and precursors

B. White blood cells and precursors

C. Unilocular adipose tissue

D. Multilocular adipose tissue

Thrombopoiesis refers to ____________ formation.

A. Monocyte

B. Platelet

C. Granulocyte

D. Red blood cell

The stroma of red bone marrow is composed of ________.

A. Muscle fibers and myocytes.

B. Lamellar bone and osteoblasts

C. CT fibers and fibroblasts

D. Reticular fibers and reticular cells

Monopoiesis refers to ____________ formation.

A. Monocyte

B. Lymphocyte

C. Platelet

D. Red blood cell

True/False: It can be normal to find plasma cells in bone marrow.



Hematopoiesis means:

A. Making new blood cells

B. Consuming blood cells

C. Making new reticular cells

D. Consuming reticular cells

How long can tissue macrophages live?

A. Months to years

B. 8-10 hours

C. Weeks to months

D. 5-10 days

True/False: Granulopoiesis is stimulated by colony stimulating factors which are only produced during an inflammatory response to an antigen.



How long can monocytes live?

A. One year

B. 8-10 hours

C. Weeks to months

D. 5-10 days

How long can platelets live?

A. One year

B. 8-10 hours

C. Weeks to months

D. 5-10 days

True/False: Lymphocytes live longer in tissues than in circulation.



Platelets originate from _____________.

A. Reticulocytes

B. Macrophages

C. Megakaryocytes

D. Osteoclasts

True/False: Granulocytes take a shorter time to develop than erythrocytes.



Red bone marrow is primarily composed of _______.

A. Red blood cells and precursors

B. While blood cells and precursors

C. Unilocular adipose tissue

D. Multilocular adipose tissue

A stimulus for platelet production is thrombopoietin, a hormone that is produced mainly in the __________.

A. Bone marrow

B. Kidney

C. Liver

D. Spleen


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