Medical Quiz

Biodiversity Quiz

Which of the following statements are TRUE about organisms in the Domain Bacteria?

I. Consist of bacteria and archaebacteria

II. Some are photoautotrophs

III. Genetic material is associated with histone protein

IV. Membrane-enclosed organelles are not present

A. I and II

B. I and III

C. II and III

D. II and IV

Select your answer:


Healthcare Systems and Insurance Gene Expression Integumentary System: Skin Disorder Illness and Symptoms Eye Blood types and Blood Components Circulation of Blood Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation Patho_Genetics Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities AEMT EMS Systems Communicable Disease Integumentary System Respiratory and Circulatory Oral Hygiene

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What do doctors, registered nurses, and physical therapists have that permits them to legally practice their profession?

A. License

B. Certificate

C. Registration

D. Diploma

Human Muscle › View

What is the basic structural and functional unit of human body?

A. Organ system

B. Cell

C. Organ

D. Tissue