Sitemap 3
- GI A. Domestic short hair B. Gastrointestinal C. Feline infectious peritonitis ...
- PCV A. Packed cell volume B. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine C. Central ...
- qid A. One time daily B. Two times daily C. Three times ...
- Dx A. Diagnosis B. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine C. Dead on arrival ...
- bid A. One time daily B. Two times daily C. Three times ...
- FIP A. Feline leukemia virus B. Feline infectious anemia C. Feline infectious ...
- FIA A. Feline leukemia virus B. Feline infectious anemia C. Feline infectious ...
- w/o A. Surgery B. Intraperitoneal C. Without D. Red blood cell ...
- IV A. Intraperitoneal B. Intravenous C. Intramuscular D. Subcutaneous
- ad lib. A. One time daily B. Two times daily C. Three ...
- Sub-Q A. Intraperitoneal B. Intravenous C. Intramuscular D. Subcutaneous
- IM A. Intraperitoneal B. Intravenous C. Intramuscular D. Subcutaneous
- CNS A. Central nervous system B. Cubic centimeter C. Four times daily ...
- wbc A. White blood cell B. Red blood cell C. Without ...
- FeLV A. Feline leukemia virus B. Feline infectious anemia C. Feline infectious ...
- IP A. Intraperitoneal B. Intravenous C. Intramuscular D. Subcutaneous
- n A. Normal B. Prescription C. Feline infectious anemia D. Packed ...
- DOA A. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine B. Dead on arrival C. Domestic ...
- ICU A. Intramuscular B. Intraperitoneal C. Intensive care unit D. Intravenous ...
- TPR A. Temperature, pulse, respiration B. Three times daily C. Feline infectious ...
- ECG A. Cubic centimeter, ml B. Packed cell volume C. Temperature, pulse, ...
- HR A. Heart rate B. History C. Three times daily D. ...
- DVM A. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine B. Domestic short hair C. Domestic ...
- sg A. Specific gravity B. Subcutaneous C. Surgery D. Central nervous ...
- wt A. Without B. Weight C. White blood cell D. History ...
- ml A. Male B. Normal C. Milliliter, cc D. Female ...
- UA, U/A A. One time daily B. Urinalysis C. Electrocardiogram D. ...
- sid A. One time daily B. Two times daily C. Three times ...
- qd A. Every day B. Every hour C. Date of birth ...
- rbc A. Respiration B. Surgery C. Rate of heart D. Red ...
- Which of the following relationships identifies a situation in which two species share a requirement ...
- Match the following Picture (representation) to the ...
- Rhizosphere refers to the small area: A. Around the root B. Near the ...
- Bioindicators include A. Soil animals B. Soil plants C. Soil enzymes ...
- ---------is the type of endosymbiosis. A. Cooperation B. Commensalisms C. Mutualism ...
- Antagonistic substances released by microorganisms in the rhizosphere may allow plants to enter ................... relationship ...
- Rhizohium culture is used to increase biological nitrogen fixation in.... A. Cereals crops ...
- Rhizobia infect the host legumes through: A. Cortex cells B. Epidermal cells ...
- Dehydrogenase is an endoenzyme A. TRUE B. FALSE C. Don't know ...
- Commonly used method for enumeration of soil microbial population is:A.B.C.D. A. Contact slide technique ...
- The microbes, which can survive at the temperature 25 - 30 C is termed as: ...
- Lichen is the symbiotic association of---------------- A. Fungi & Bacteria. B. Fungi & ...
- The fungal mycelium in Mycorrhizae penetrates the root cells by means of projections called--------- ...
- ----------is the obligatory interaction. A. Mutualism B. Commensalism C. Ammensalism D. ...
- Oxidation of sulfure to sulphate is carried out by:A.B.C.D. A. Aspergillus spp B. ...
- Phosphates enzyme play a major role in ______ of organic phosphates in soil: A. ...
- Skin microflora is an example of which relationship A. parasitism B. commensalism ...
- The presence of autotrophic mycorrhiza enhances the uptake of nutrients in general, but particularly of: ...
- Biofertilizer is a: A. Mixture of organic matter and microorganism B. Culture ...
- What are considered as bioindicators of air pollution A. Mycorrhizae B. Lichens ...
- Rhizospheres affect microbial population and nutrient availability by: A. Exerting physical pressure B. ...
- Within the rhizosphere, plant roots have no effect on composition and density of soil microbial ...
- Neutralism occurs A. When populations are in their favourable environment B. In habitats ...
- In Lichen, the fungle partener is called as------------- a) . b) . c) . c) ...
- Upon assessment Nurse Jun noticed wheezing. Nurse Jun knows that which of the following condition ...
- Nurse Wendy is taking care of a patient with COPD. Which of the following oxygenation ...
- Nurse Kelly is watching a Phlebotomist taking blood of a patient who is up for ...
- Which of the following Oxygenation therapy provides accurate percentage of Oxygen to the patient? ...
- Nurse Carol is taking care of a patient who has undergone shock. Upon assessment which ...
- Nurse Polly is an ICU nurse and is taking care of a patient that is ...
- In patients with COPD which of the following is the stimulus for respiration? A. ...
- A patient came in the E.R and requires Intubation. Which of the following will the ...
- Nurse Tyler is taking care of a patient who had cyanide poisoning. Which of the ...
- Nurse Asher is assessing a pulmonary case patient. The vital signs of the patients were ...
- The patient in the ICU is now on his 21st day on ET tube. As ...
- Nurse Mike is doing a Pulmonary Function Test. Which of the following pulmonary function test ...
- A patient came in the hospital with a cardiac pacemaker. The nurse knows that which ...
- Nurse Ron is conducting a Pulmonary Function Test to a patient with Oxygenation problem. Nurse ...
- Nurse Domenick knows that in absorption atelectasis which of the following occurs when there is ...
- The patient is experiencing Anemic hypoxia. When doing a medical history which of the following ...
- The patient will be undergoing MRI. Which of the following Nursing intervention is most appropriate? ...
- The patient is having hypoxia as a result of decreased effective hemoglobin concentration, which causes ...
- Nurse Fin is taking care of a patient who has circulatory hypoxia. Which of the ...
- A patient with Tuberculosis came in the hospital for check up and asked the nurse ...
- Which of the following can administer 100% oxygen to the patient? A. Hyperbaric chamber ...
- Nurse Vince is assessing a patient who has Pneumonia. Upon assessment which of the following ...
- As a nurse you should be well knowledgeable of the physiology of oxygenation. Which of ...
- You where eating at a restaurant and you saw somebody choking. Upon assessment you noticed ...
- One of the benefits of being a member of the NAHUC is: A. it ...
- The HUC could be cross trained in the following position in the hospital setting: ...
- When the EMR with CPOE is implemented, the HUC position will: A. become more ...
- The physician has written an order for a blood test on the patient’s paper chart. ...
- A CDSS is a computer program that: A. Assists nurses in interpreting doctors' orders ...
- A visitor with a complaint approaches the nurses’ station where several staff members are seated. ...
- An example of a clinical task is: A. answering a patient’s request on the ...
- One of the benefits of CPOE is that: A. the HUC will have time ...
- Which of the following tasks would be considered nonclinical? A. Assisting a patient to ...
- The HUC position was created during World War II because: A. nurses went on ...
- Which of the following is the first step in the evolution of any profession? ...
- The abbreviation that indicates the student status of the health unit coordinator is: A. ...
- The NAHUC requires certified HUCs to be recertified to: A. raise money to maintain ...
- The abbreviation CPOE means: A. controlled physician orders executed. B. computerized partial orders ...
- Which of the following statements is true and something to keep in mind when locating ...
- The physician has written an order for a blood test on a patient’s paper chart. ...
- Transcription for HUCs means: A. the HUC may order anything he/she wants. B. ...
- One of the reasons to become certified is: A. increased credibility. B. a ...
- Which of the following is one of the tasks the HUC is responsible for in ...
- One of the responsibilities added to the HUC role with the implementation of the EMR ...
- Other nonclinical career choices that the HUC may pursue would be: A. CPT ...
- A requirement for certification of the HUC is: A. passing the national certification examination ...
- Working HUCs can prepare for changes involving the EMR with CPOE by: A. becoming ...
- E-prescribing reduces the risk of errors and occurs when: A. the HUC enters the ...
- Your role in the survey process includes the following except A. providing quality care. ...
- An illness from which a person will not likely recover is A. a terminal ...
- Assisted living residences provide skilled nursing care to persons no longer able to live in ...
- Persons are expected to recover from an acute illness. A. TRUE B. FALSE ...
- Long-term care centers only provide care to frail older persons. A. TRUE B. ...
- Nursing assistants work under the supervision of A. the doctor. B. other nursing ...
- A physical therapist assists persons with musculo-skeletal problems. A. TRUE B. FALSE ...
- A federal health insurance program providing benefits for persons 65 year of age and older ...
- An agency or program for persons who are dying is: A. managed care ...
- The goal of the health care team is to A. make money. B. ...
- The nursing team involves the doctor, RNs, and physical therapists. A. TRUE B. ...
- The health team is focused on writing agency policies and procedures. A. TRUE ...
- Persons who perform delegated tasks under the supervision of licensed nurses are A. licensed ...
- Primary care nursing is a nursing care pattern focusing on tasks and jobs. A. ...
- When studying in Alexandria, how did Galen discover more details of anatomy? A. Entered ...
- Which individual discovered the heart pumped blood around the body? A. Harvey B. ...
- Who is the father of medicine? A. Pare B. Hippocrates C. Nightingale ...
- When females are getting ready for work you should keep ________________ to a minimum? ...
- Who Invented X-Rays? A. Davinci B. Lister C. Jenner D. Roetgen ...
- Who is the father of microbiology? A. Hippocrates B. Da Vinci C. ...
- Doctors today swear the Hippocratic Oath. What to they promise? A. Charge a fair ...
- Edward Jenner recorded the anatomy of the body A. TRUE B. FALSE ...
- Founder of modern nursing. A. Benjamin Franklin B. Sir Alexander Fleming C. Clara Barton D. ...
- Who is the founder of the Red Cross? A. Florence Nightingale B. Elizabeth ...
- Who were the first to use acupuncture therapies? A. Greeks B. Romans ...
- An example of a personal characteristic that is needed for the health field is? ...
- Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by A. Sir Alexander Fleming B. Dr. Philippe Pinel ...
- Described the diagnosis and treatment of over 200 diseases and was known as the God ...
- Safer surgery using nitrous oxide and chloroform were discovered in what century A. 16th ...
- What oath do doctors have to take? A. Galen's Oath B. The Vesalic ...
- Galen lived in the Roman Empire. Where was he born? A. Greece B. ...
- What did the primitive humans think caused illness and disease? A. bugs B. ...
- Galen did which job In Pergamum which helped him understand anatomy? A. Doctor to ...
- Acceptance of dissection of the body, invention of the printing press, and a renewed interest ...
- Member of the EMS system whose training includes basic-level EMT training plus responsibility for a ...
- Which one of the following BEST describes the role of the Emergency Medical Responder in ...
- You have received an order over the phone from the Medical Director to administer oxygen ...
- National levels of EMS training include all of the following except: A. advanced first ...
- Emergency Medical Dispatchers receive training that allows them to: A. Control the scene via ...
- Which of the following is NOT a criterion used by the National Highway Traffic Safety ...
- Specialized teams designed to provide medical care following a disaster A. Emergency Medical Response ...
- The four levels of nationally recognized EMS training are: A. Emergency Medical Technician, Paramedic, ...
- Components of the quality improvement process, as identified by the Institute of Medicine, include all ...
- The systematic investigation to establish facts is called: A. Inquiry B. Assessment ...
- Protocols and standing orders are forms of: A. off-line medical direction. B. on-line ...
- Maintenance of required certifications or registrations is the responsibility of the: A. individual provider. ...
- The __________ identifies the duties and skills an EMS provider is legally allowed to perform. ...
- A hospital capable of providing specialized services such as trauma care, pediatric care, cardiac care, ...
- As a member of the EMS team, your primary role is one of: A. ...
- How does research ensure correct and effective EMS practices? A. It provides evidence. ...
- Where does scope of practice give an EMS provider the legal authority to practice? ...
- An Emergency Medical Responder provides emergency care: A. only if the injuries are life-threatening. ...
- Member of the EMS system who provides pre-arrival instructions to callers, thereby helping to initiate ...
- Demeanor is part of professionalism for the Emergency Medical Responder, and it has which of ...
- Guidelines written by the medical director to describe the care that EMS personnel provide for ...
- Which one of the following receives the highest level of training in an EMS system? ...
- All care provided by EMS personnel within an EMS system is authorized by a(n): ...
- Which one of the following is NOT a typical component of an EMS system? ...
- A bark, snort, growl, and hoot are all examples of what type of communication A. ...
- Organs are _. A. groups of cells B. groups of tissues C. ...
- Autotrophs convert solar energy to _. A. ATP B. water C. glucose ...
- This picture is a good example of
- A baby sea turtle hatches, digs out of its nest, and starts crawling towards the ...
- Which of the following is an example of COURTSHIP behavior? A. growling at foe B. ...
- Tissue makes A. cells. B. organs. C. systems. D. organelles.
- Stages of growth and maturity are called _. A. development B. metabolism ...
- Which form of reproduction only involves 1 parent? A. asexual B. sexual ...
- During cellular respiration, glucose is converted to _. A. sugar B. sunlight ...
- A plant growing towards the light is an example of A. reproduction. B. responding ...
- A change in an organism's surroundings that causes it to react is called A. a ...
- What is an organism that consists of more than one cell? A. unicellular B. multicellular C. ...
- A wolf cub comes too close to a skunk and gets a strong chemical sprayed ...
- Living things require energy to survive. Which of the following is NOT an example of ...
- The male peacock uses these spectacular tail feathers in a display to try to attract ...
- This picture is a good example of
- Which is an example of a learned characteristic? A. Color of a dog's fur B. ...
- Cells make A. tissues. ...
- What does reproduce mean? A. They grow - get larger B. They are living things ...
- The process whereby an organism produces more of its own kind A. development B. adaptation ...
- Adaptations help living organisms _. A. develop B. grow C. survive ...
- Light, heat, and sound are examples of _. A. genetic material B. stimuli ...
- What is an organism that consists of one cell? A. unicellular B. multicellular C. nucleus D. ...
- (6-3.5) Some male birds perform elaborate dances in order to attract females. This is an ...
- When animal learns to ignore harmless stimuli like a scarecrow, what type of learning is ...
- What is the MAIN reason animals engage in play behavior? A. to socialize B. to ...
- Which one of these IS one of the characteristics of living things? A. All living ...
- DNA and RNA are examples of _. A. genetic information B. energy ...
- Any process in living things that requires or uses energy is included in _. ...
- A wolf cub came too close to a skunk, and was sprayed by its foul ...
- Which of the following is a behavior? A. running when startled B. having ...
- All living things are composed of. . . .(building blocks of living things) A. ...
- Behaviors or body structures that help organisms survive are called _. A. adaptations ...
- Any living thing is called an A. organ B. organization C. organism D. cell ...
- Which one of these is NOT one of the characteristics of living things? A. All ...
- Which one of these is NOT one of the characteristics of living things? A. All ...
- Which of the following is NOT an innate behavior? A. a baby sucking ...
- In winter, a bat stays in its cave, and its body temperature drops, its heart ...
- Systems make A. cells. B. tissues. C. organisms. D. organelles.
- An innate behavior can be described by which of the following? A. Must be ...
- Which of these is a LEARNED behavior? A. a peacock courting B. a ...
- Organs make A. cells. B. tissues. C. systems. D. organelles.
- Any process in living things that requires or uses energy is _. A. reproduction ...
- Animals eat food and plants use sunlight, both are examples of obtaining what? A. ...
- A dog rolls over and gets a treat, so she rolls over again. This is ...
- Which form of reproduction requires two parents to contribute to the formation of the new ...
- All of the following are learned EXCEPT: A. reading a book B. sneezing C. using ...
- What is the definition of behavior A. animal's response to a stimulus B. animal's type ...
- You are taking Mr. Mills blood pressure. You get a measurement of 80/36 mmHg. What ...
- Which of the following is considered a normal age-related change seen in elderly patients? A. ...
- False Imprisonment A. An accident, problem, unexpected event during the course of care ...
- A resident in rehabilitation is learning how to use a cane for the first time. ...
- A patient wants you to tell them about another patient across the hall. What would ...
- What is the normal range for SPO2? A. 90%-100% B. 100%-110% C. ...
- What does the abbreviation HIPAA mean? A. Health Insurance Portability Act B. Health ...
- What is the FIRST thing a CNA should do when finding an unresponsive client? ...
- Which of the of the following measurements would you immediately report to the nurse? ...
- Physical disabilities, psychological attitudes & prejudice, and cultural diversity are common causes of? A. ...
- Consists of values, beliefs, attitudes, and customs shared by a group of people and passed ...
- A client with AD wanders from room to room, moving the belongings of other clients ...
- Which of the following is the best way to communicate with a resident who is ...
- Which of the following statements is an example of a fact (objective information)? A. ...
- To lift an object using good body mechanics, the nurse aide should A. Bend ...
- The name for taking a set of 3 vital signs, while lying, sitting and standing. ...
- Which of the following is the normal rang for diastolic blood pressure? A. 100-140 ...
- Which of the following foods is considered high in sodium? A. Apple B. ...
- A blood pressure of 146/ 92 is considered? A. low B. high ...
- When speaking with hearing-impaired residents, the CNA should: A. Talk loud using a high ...
- A resident has been given a diagnosis of terminal cancer and a prognosis of one ...
- A resident is paralyzed on the right side. The nurse aide should place the signaling ...
- Clean bed linen placed in a clients room but not used should be... A. ...
- A resident with dementia needs A. A structured environment B. freedom from rules ...
- What is the normal range for systolic blood pressure? A. 100-140 B. 90-110 ...
- While ambulating Mr. Stokes, he tells you that he is feeling faint. After sitting him ...
- Tuberculosis may be transmitted A. By coughing B. By dancing C. By ...
- The charge nurse asks you to take this blood sample to the lab STAT. You ...
- If the nurse aide discovers fire in a residents room the first thing to do ...
- When should the nurse aide report a pulse ox to the nurse? A. 86% ...
- The nurse aide is going to help the resident walk from the bed to the ...
- If a patient is falling to the ground, the CNA should: A. Move out ...
- A resident with diabetes should A. skip meals when he is not hungry ...
- You gave your resident the wrong tray by mistake. She ate it all. She was ...
- The body's first line of defense is the: A. Lungs B. Skin ...
- When a resident uses a cane, walker, or crutches, the NA should A. stay ...
- Before feeding a client, they need to be sitting in A. 45-60 degree angle ...
- The form of breathing when the resident may be sitting up on the side of ...
- The following should be done to an agitated and aggressive person except: A. shouting to ...
- A paper cut may cause: A. Chronic pain B. Phantom pain C. ...
- What is the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA)? A. practices employed to reduce the ...
- Which temperature runs a degree or so lower than the others? A. aural/tympanic ...
- A progressive, irreversible neurological condition causing a gradual loss of brain functioning A. Parkinson's ...
- How can the nursing assistant best ensure the safety of a resident who is legally ...
- You walk in and find Mrs. Smith jerking on the floor. She is not responding ...
- When assessing Mrs. Jefferson's pain level, she tells you that her pain is 8/10. What ...
- Mrs. McFlurry tells you she is having difficulty breathing. Which of the following vital signs ...
- Which of the following is a care guideline for residents recovering from a CVA (cerebrovascular ...
- Which of the following is considered in most health care agencies as the 5th vital ...
- A resident drinks six ounces of water. How many millimeters is this? A. 120 ...
- Transmission-Based precautions are used A. With every resident under a nursing assistants care ...
- People with amputations may experience: A. Chronic pain B. Phantom pain C. ...
- The most comfortable position for a resident with a respiratory problem is A. Supine ...
- An example of an abrasion is A. When the surgeon makes a cut in ...
- A sickness that only lasts for a short time is known as A. quick ...
- If a patient has an illness that will last until they pass away, the condition ...
- When the surgeon makes an incision in my leg he does this A. makes ...
- If I have Covid-19, which is a short term illness, my condition is known as ...
- Another word for exhaustion is A. sleepy B. tired C. fatigue ...
- The medical word for high blood pressure is A. Hypertension B. Hypercapnea ...
- Drawing blood from the vein is known as A. phlebotomy B. anemia ...
- When I scrape my knee during a fall, I have this A. an incision ...
- Phlebotomy is A. Taking out stitches B. Drawing blood from a vein ...
- The medical word for a heart attack is A. Myocardial Infarction B. Erythrocyte ...
- If I have hypertension, I have this.. A. high cholesterol B. high blood ...
- My extremities are my A. eyes B. toes C. legs and arms ...
- Edema is the medical term for A. swelling B. sweating C. vomiting ...
- A CHRONIC condition is one that lasts A. for a short time. B. ...
- This is what a surgeon makes during surgery A. a laceration B. a ...
- When someone has swelling in their leg, they have A. anemia B. high ...
- In the medical field, your arms and legs are referred to as this A. ...
- If someone is feeling FATIGUE, they are what? A. extremely frustrated B. extremely ...
- A Myocardial Infarction is a A. brain bleed B. stroke C. broken ...
- what type of work has no pay A. volunteer B. temp C. ...
- An Associate's Degree; A. awarded by a career/technical/community/4 year college, after completion of a ...
- Patsy graduated from a 2-year college. What degree did she MOST LIKELY earn? A. ...
- A Bachelor's Degree; A. awarded by a college or university after completion of one ...
- Donald wants to work with animals but does not want to go to college. What ...
- What level of education is required to become a chiropractor? A. Bachelor's Degree ...
- Janel opens her own nursing staffing agency. She can be considered a(an): A. Aide ...
- what credential keeps the names of people who are qualified to work in a career ...
- which of these careers require the most amount of training A. technologist B. ...
- how is it best to start doing research about possible careers A. shadow ...
- What health care worker would need to be willing to stick people with needles to ...
- Owning and operating your own business means you are A. multi competent worker ...
- A Doctorate or Doctoral Degree; A. awarded by a career/technical/community/4 year college, after completion ...
- How many years does it usually take to earn a bachelor's and master's degree? ...
- Most health care workers at the technologist or therapist level have a minimum of a(an): ...
- What professional removes stains and plaque deposits from the teeth? A. EMT B. ...
- What health professional works under the supervision of a physician, performing routine examinations, order basic ...
- Accreditation is: A. fulfilling the requirements of education and performance by the professional association ...
- An entrepreneur is: A. an individual who organizes and manages a business and assumes ...
- What do doctors, registered nurses, and physical therapists have that permits them to legally practice ...
- Why would a health professional want to earn continuing education units? A. to qualify ...
- which of these organization exists to further a certain career A. professional organization ...
- Learning a job while performing it without education A. doctorate B. on the ...
- what do many health care careers require in order to ensure workers have the vital ...
- what is an experience you get to see first-hand someone working in an area ...
- which of the careers listed requires the least amount of training A. aide or ...
- promotion to higher level positions in career A. advancement B. education and training ...
- HOSA & SKILLS USA are examples of what type of organization A. professional ...
- who is responsible for knowing the state requirements to maintain credentials for a career ...
- A Master's Degree; A. awarded by a college or university after a prescribed course ...
- Who can revoke a person's license to work A. professional org. B. government ...
- Continuing Education Units: A. units that help you to obtain a 2 or 4 ...
- A multi-skilled, multi-competent worker is: A. workers who are hired to perform a variety ...
- What is it called when a person continues to get more education to keep up ...
- if article states the number of workers needed is inspected to increase they are discussing ...
- what are the steps along the way to a person's career goal A. end ...
- What credential is voluntary A. diploma B. licensure C. certification D. ...
- being told the expected work hours are discussing ? A. outlook B. advancement ...
- How long does it take to become a pharmacist? A. Less than 1 year ...
- A document issues by an associated that means a person has fulfilled requirements to practice ...
- Dalton is in the Army. He and his family are eligible for what type of ...
- Provide care for special conditions or age groups. Ex. burn hospitals and psychiatric hospitals ...
- Requires that specific percentages of expenses are shared by the patient and insurance company. ...
- Insurance for individuals injured on the job. A. TRICARE B. Worker's Compensation ...
- What type of facility would be appropriate for someone who can perform daily activities but ...
- How are most Americans insured? A. through their employer B. government C. ...
- To pay for the costs of health care, most people rely on ...? A. ...
- What type of insurance allows people to see any provider they wish but has discounted ...
- Amounts that must be paid by the patient for medical services before the policy begins ...
- One of the largest and fastest growing industries in the United States is....... A. real ...
- You begin feeling sick to your stomach Friday after work. Your doctor closed at noon. ...
- What type of care does hospice provide? A. labor and delivery B. emergency care C. ...
- Nursing homes and assisted living facilities are examples of A. hospice B. short-term ...
- Jalisa's son fell at school and may have broken his arm. Where should she take ...
- Also known as nursing homes or geriatric homes. A. Extended Stay America B. ...
- Mainly provide assistance and care for elderly patients, usually called residents. A. Mental health ...
- This type of insurance provides coverage benefits for Americans over age 65. A. Medicaid B. ...
- Treat a wide range of conditions and age groups. Provide diagnostic, medical, surgical and emergency ...
- Where is CDC headquarters? A. Atlanta, Georgia B. Washington, D.C. C. Boston, ...
- Which organization is responsible for regulating worker safety? A. CDC B. NIH ...
- Which of these healthcare delivery systems is created for a purpose other than making a ...
- Organization concerned with global health... A. CDC B. WHO C. NIH ...
- Low income individuals are covered by... A. medicare B. HMO C. medicaid ...
- Arnold needs to have his children vaccinated before school starts but is unable to pay ...
- Agencies that provide care for the terminally ill who usually have life expectancies of six ...
- All living things are composed of. . . .(building blocks of living things) A. ...
- Which of the following is an example of COURTSHIP behavior? A. growling at foe B. ...
- An internal stimulus happens ____________ the body A. outside B. inside C. behind D. under ...
- Which of the following is NOT an example of a stimulus? A. Sight B. Sound ...
- Which animal displays migratory behavior? A. geese B. moose C. deer D. wild hog ...
- What is the MAIN reason animals engage in play behavior? A. to socialize B. to ...
- _____________ behaviors result from an interaction between innate behaviors & past experiences. A. Genetic ...
- Which is an example of a behavior? A. blood flowing through veins B. ...
- Which behavior is genetically based and NOT linked to past experiences? A. innate behavior ...
- Studies show what 2 factors influence an animal’s behavior? A. food & space ...
- The scent of food is an example of a (an) ____ stimulus. A. innate ...
- A plant growing towards the light is an example of A. reproduction. B. responding ...
- Which is an example of innate behavior? A. pond ducks flocking to be fed ...
- A bark, snort, growl, and hoot are all examples of what type of communication A. ...
- A (an) ____ is an environmental change that directly influences the activity of an organism. ...
- A _________ is defined as a way an animal responds to a stimulus. A. ...
- When animal learns to ignore harmless stimuli like a scarecrow, what type of learning is ...
- Requires that specific percentages of expenses are shared by the patient and the insurance company. ...
- Those who provide health care ex., physicians, nurses. A. payor B. patient ...
- The amount that must be paid by the patient for medical serves before the policy ...
- Type of health care or facility that focuses on the terminally ill, (end of life). ...
- Health is defined as... A. compete physical health B. mental health C. ...
- Medicare is funded by the ... A. state and federal government B. federal ...
- Nursing homes and assisted living facilities are examples of A. hospice B. short-term ...
- Medicare covers A. individuals over the age of 65 B. person with end ...
- Insurance for individuals injured on the job. A. TRICARE B. Worker's Compensation ...
- This type of insurance covers services contained in one facility, is less expensive but patient's ...
- Those who pay the health care system, ex., the insurance companies and the government. ...
- The person who receives care, often called the consumer. A. patient B. payor ...
- How are most Americans insured? A. through their employer B. government C. ...
- All are qualifying conditions for Medicaid except A. end stage renal disease B. ...
- Insurance for military personnel. A. HMO B. medicaid C. TRICARE D. ...
- The prevention of treatment or illness A. health B. longterm care C. ...
- This type of insurance offers more autonomy when choosing providers. A. TRICARE B. ...
- Organization concerned with global health... A. CDC B. WHO C. NIH ...
- A specific amount of money a patient pays for a particular service. A. premium ...
- In order to avoid errors, whose approved list of abbreviations should you use when documenting ...
- Pulse rates are most commonly measured at which site? A. Apical B. Brachial C. Carotid ...
- Which thermometer requires it be “shaken down”? A. Digital B. Electronic C. Glass D. Tympanic ...
- Which patient is the BEST candidate for an oral temperature? A. 1-year-old healthy infant B. ...
- A nursing assistant notes a patient’s blood pressure to be 148/96. Which is the BEST ...
- When taking a pulse, why should the thumb NOT be used? A. The width of ...
- You were assigned to take vital signs on an 80-year-old male nursing home resident who ...
- Which is considered an elevated temperature? A. Aural 37.2 C B. Axillary 38.4 C C. ...
- What is the respiratory rate of a patient who is observed to have 16 inspirations ...
- Which statement about the size of a blood pressure cuff is TRUE? A. The bladder ...
- In which procedure is lubricant required? A. Aural temperature B. Rectal temperature C. Blood pressure ...
- Before taking vital signs on a patient, what should you do FIRST? A. Close the ...
- A patient with tachycardia MOST likely has a/an: A. Elevated temperature B. Elevated blood pressure ...
- In a blood pressure measurement of 132/86, the number 86 is the: A. Bradycardia B. ...
- The terms, deep or shallow, are MOST usually associated with which vital sign measurement? A. ...
- Of the following, which person is MOST likely to develop hypertension based on risk factors? ...
- The LEAST accurate route for measuring temperature is: A. Aural B. Axillary C. Oral D. ...
- A febrile patient will exhibit a/an: A. Elevated pulse B. Elevated temperature C. Normal pulse ...
- The terms, weak and thready, are MOST usually associated with which vital sign measurement? A. ...
- How does the pulse rate and respiratory rate of a healthy toddler compare to that ...
- Mrs. McFlurry tells you she is having difficulty breathing. Which of the following vital signs ...
- Fast heart beat, over 100 bpm A. tachycardia B. bradycardia C. tachypnea ...
- You assess a pulse of 24 for 15 seconds, what is the pulse rate for ...
- What is the normal range for SPO2? A. 90%-100% B. 100%-110% C. ...
- A patient had a sudden drop of 20mmHg in systolic pressure and 10mmHg in a ...
- Is the blood pressure in the picture ...
- Which tool is used to measure blood pressure? A. Arm cuff and stethoscope B. Thermometer ...
- ____________ can be counted most accurately if a patient is not aware of the procedure ...
- The following are routes to take a temperature EXCEPT ... A. oral B. ...
- Identify the pulse points at letter e
- Which of the of the following measurements would you immediately report to the nurse? ...
- difficult or labored breathing A. bradypnea B. dyspnea C. orthopnea D. ...
- High blood pressure A. diastolic pressure B. systolic pressure C. hypotension ...
- Vital signs are important because they... A. Are a requirement doctors must make for every ...
- Mrs. Palmer has a blood pressure of 110/56. The 56 is the ______ pressure A. ...
- A pulse site at the neck A. carotid B. temporal C. popliteal ...
- What is the BP in the picture?
- When taking a respiration rate do all of the following EXCEPT A. watch the ...
- What vital sign is being shown? ...
- When should the nurse aide report a pulse ox to the nurse? A. 86% ...
- The breathing rate of the patient A. Pulse B. Respirations C. Temperature D. Pulse ...
- Identify the pulse points at letter i
- What is the BP in the picture?
- What is blood pressure A. how stressed your heart is B. how hard ...
- What is the pulse? A. Taking oxygen into the body through the lungs. ...
- a dusky, bluish discoloration of the skin, lips, and/or nail beds A. rales ...
- The area of the body where you take a radial pulse is A. the ...
- Where is radial (wrist) pulse measured? A. On the pinky finger side of the ...
- What is the normal range for systolic blood pressure? a. 100-140 b. 90-110 ...
- You were assigned to take vital signs on an 80-year-old male nursing home resident who ...
- When assessing Mrs. Jefferson's pain level, she tells you that her pain is 8/10. What ...
- If you have an elevated one of these, you may have a fever. Which vital ...
- What are the four main vital signs? A. Temperature, pulse, size of pupils, and ...
- Systolic and diastolic pressure are measured in units of A. mmHg B. mimg ...
- You count respirations for how long? A. 1 minute B. 5 minutes
- A normal Oral temperature is A. 98.6 B. 99.4 C. 100.2 ...
- What is a normal blood pressure A. 120/110 mmHg B. 120/80 mmHg ...
- The number on the bottom of a BP reading measures... A. Pressure during a heart ...
- we used this tool for ... ...
- Which number is the brachial pulse? ...
- 12 to 20 represents ... A. the respiratory range for an adult B. ...
- How is blood pressure recorded? A. A fraction B. A decimal C. ...
- Respiration means _________________? A. one expiration B. one inspiration C. one inspiration ...
- Which artery normally do we take blood pressure? A. femoral B. brachial ...
- If a patient has been drinking hot coffee you should wait____ before taking a temp ...
- A slow heart rate of less than a 60 bpm A. tachycardia B. ...
- Which of the following is the normal range for pulse? a. 60-100 b. ...
- A fast heart beat, over 100 bpm A. tachycardia B. bradycardia C. ...
- What vital sign is being taken? ...
- Is the blood pressure in the picture ...
- What is the blood pressure in the ...
- How do germs get into your body? A. mouth, nose, or eyes B. ...
- Dehydration is when your body loses too much ... A. water B. blood ...
- What is the best way to stop the spread of COVID-19? A. Go to ...
- When unwanted germs invade, your body responds by turning up the heat, causing your temperature ...
- An example of a communicable disease would ...
- What is the best way to sneeze? A. In your hand B. Don't cover your ...
- What is a symptom? A. when it is hot outside B. wearing many layers of ...
- White blood cells create these to fight diseases. A. antibodies B. viruses ...
- You can spread germs by A. shaking hands B. coughing and not covering ...
- A prescription medicine is A. One you can buy at the grocery store ...
- A disease that is caused by germs and can spread from person to person is ...
- A dose of weakened or killed germs of one kind that helps the body make ...
- What 'germ' do antibiotics help your body get rid of? A. Viruses and Fungus ...
- When is it okay to share medicine? A. When it belongs to someone in ...
- Diseases that are not spread from person to person are called this. A. communicable ...
- What is your most important body defense system? A. saliva B. blood ...
- Cancer, Emphysema, and Allergies are all types of A. Communicable Diseases B. Viruses C. Bacteria ...
- How do you stay healthy? A. Wash your hands often B. Eat healthy ...
- What do antibodies do? A. make viruses multiply faster B. make us feel ...
- It is used to loosen or push back cuticles. A. cuticle scissor B. ...
- A soft white downy fiber for dubbing or cleaning the nails and removing nail polish. ...
- It is a treatment for the fingernails and hands consist of filing, shaping the free ...
- A. cuticle pusher B. cuticle ...
- A tool used to cut stubborn cuticles. A. Cuticle nipper B. Cuticle nail ...
- Your fingernails are made of: A. potassium B. iron C. protein ...
- The whitish, half-moon shape at the base of the nail is known as the __________. ...
- She went to the nail salon to get a ________________________. A. manecure B. ...
- name it A. corn ...
- I am qualified as a cosmetologist/nail technician to advise a client as to what diseases ...
- What is this nail disorder? A. ...
- The hardened keratin structure covering the nail bed is the __________. A. nail extension ...
- An absorbent cloth for drying the hands and feet. A. Tissue B. Cloth ...
- Discolorations of the nail plate from infections of the fingernails or toenails are usually the ...
- A. cuticle pusher B. cuticle ...
- What tool is shown in the picture? ...
- A thin plastic film use for sealing the paraffin during a hand spa. A. ...
- Feet and hands need to be given utmost care and pampering once in a while ...
- The living skin at the base of the natural nail plate that covers the matrix ...
- A nail condition in which blood clots form under the nail plate due to a ...
- The slightly thickened layer of skin under the nail that lies between the fingertip and ...
- What is the technical term for the natural nail? A. Lunula B. Onyx ...
- Dark nail polish can be used to cover an infected nail. A. TRUE B. FALSE ...
- Humans have nails to: A. protect our fingers and toes B. use as ...
- These are articles used in any nail care service which are durable or permanent and ...
- Callous remover A. Tool B. Equipment
- The surface of a healthy natural nail should be; A. smooth and spotted B. flexible ...
- Some nail conditions can be treated in the salon. A. TRUE B. FALSE
- The end portion of the nail plate that reaches over the fingertip is called the ...
- Manicures and pedicures are some of the services offered in the school. A. TRUE ...
- Identity group of Chronic Diseases- A. Arthritis, Cancer, Typhoid B. Cold, Cough, Elephantiasis ...
- High B.P, Cancer, Diabetes, Scurvy, Rickets these all disease are- A. Non-Communicable Diseases ...
- Identify group of Acute Diseases- A. Cold, Cough, Typhoid, Cholera B. Cold, Cough, ...
- Kala Azar and Amoebic Dysentery diseases are caused by- A. Protozoans B. Viruses ...
- Difference between Health and disease free stste of body is that- A. Disease free ...
- In Body, Vaccines provide immunity from infectious diseases like Tetanus, Polio etc.This is- A. ...
- _______ is caused by bacterium Vibrio cholera A. Malaria B. Dengue C. ...
- Causes of Diseases are- A. Genetic Disorders B. Environmental Pollution C. Poor ...
- Principles of treatment of diseases is- A. To reduce the effect of disease ...
- What is Health? A. State of Social well being B. State of Menta ...
- On the basis of which, Physicians look for the signs of a Particular disease- ...
- Identify Infectious /Communicable diseases- A. Typhoid, Cholera, T.B, Malaris B. Cancer, Cholera, Typhoid ...
- Which of the following is not transferred by houseflies? A. Typhoid B. Cholera ...
- Elephantiasis disease is caused by- A. Worms B. Fungi C. Viruses ...
- Identify the diseases for which infectious agents are Viruses- A. Common Cold, Mumps, AIDS ...
- The main appearences of coronary heart disease are except A. myocardial infarction B. ...
- Coronary artery disease develops A. The surface of the atheroma plaque of the coronary ...
- CCS, or Canadien Cardiovascular Society classification, is A. 1 B. 2 C. ...
- In ECG, the ST sesegment reacts A. Into the strain B. Into the ...
- What is left ventricular hypertrophy? A. Dilatation of the left ventricle B. Left ...
- Blood pressure is at its highest A. With the heart contracting B. As ...
- What is MCC? A. Coronary artery desease B. heart attack C. arrhythmias ...
- In atypical chest pain A. 1 typical symptom B. 2 typical symptom ...
- The rhythm of the heart can be described on the ECG in letters A. ...
- What is atherosclerosis? A. Fat in the bloodstream B. Accumulation of fat on ...
- Acute coronary artery attack can be written with the acronym A. ABC B. ...
- Which of the following is NOT a health problem that results from diabetes? A. Heart ...
- Which of the following infections is a result of the inflammation of the bronchial tubes? ...
- Which of the following is a noninfectious disease that affects the respiratory system? A. Influenza ...
- Tubes that move air from the trachea to the lungs. A. Alveoli B. Bronchi C. ...
- What is the dome-shaped muscle beneath the lungs that helps us breathe. A. diagram ...
- Which of the following refers to a condition in which your airways narrow and swell ...
- the windpipe; a passage through which air moves in the respiratory system. A. trachea ...
- Which of the following is an infection causes inflammation in the alveoli due to formation ...
- What organ of the respiratory system is in blue. ...
- Which body system absorbs oxygen from the surrounding air? A. Circulatory system B. Digestive system ...
- When you exhale, the diaphragm A. moves upwards B. moves downwards C. ...
- For serious pneumonia infections, you will stay in hospital A. TRUE B. FALSE ...
- In which organ is oxygen absorbed into the blood in fishes? A. Gills ...
- What is the function of the ribcage? ...
- Which of the below is NOT a symptom of pneumonia? A. coughing B. ...
- There is a cure for asthma A. TRUE B. FALSE
- Pneumonia is mainly caused by bacteria or viruses A. TRUE B. FALSE ...
- An allergy that affects the respiratory system; may result in difficulty breathing and wheezing ...
- Gills take in oxygen from the water while lungs take in oxygen from the air. ...
- FF A. free fluids B. fasting blood sugar C. freely D. ...
- gingiva A. sugar B. inflammation C. gum D. woman
- sclerosis A. inspection B. stoppage C. poisonous D. hardening
- pro A. backward, behind B. four C. forward D. under, below ...
- gastro A. gum B. old age C. stomach D. sugar ...
- geront A. gum B. stomach C. quad D. old age ...
- gyn A. old age B. gum C. sugar D. woman ...
- sub A. backward B. sugar C. forward D. below, under ...
- AMB A. admission B. freely C. ambulate D. woman
- ad lib A. ambulate B. freely C. admission D. history
- sugar A. gingiva B. glyco C. woman D. gastro
- stoppage A. stomy B. stasis C. scope D. sclerosis
- LOC A. history B. level of consciousness C. sub D. poisonous ...
- hx A. loss of consciousness B. level of consciousness C. history ...
- FBS A. freely B. free fluids C. fasting blood sugar D. ...
- toxic A. stasis B. hardening C. poisonous D. sugar
- backward, behind A. forward B. pseudo C. retro D. sub ...
- STAT A. stoppage B. hardening C. as soon as possible D. ...
- ADM A. ad lib B. as soon as possible C. ambulate ...
- scope A. inspection B. artificial opening C. hardening D. stoppage ...
- d/c A. artificial opening B. inspection C. blood sugar D. discharge ...
- quad A. forward B. FALSE C. ATV D. four
- BMI A. ambulate B. body mass index C. backward D. below, ...
- pseudo A. FALSE B. forward C. four D. under, below ...
- Which of the following structure is where cellular respiration ...
- Number 2 is pointing to the... A. Esophagus ...
- The presence of starch in a leaf is proof that: A. Respiration has taken ...
- Gastric juices in the stomach digest food into a thick liquid. This is... A. Mechanical ...
- It helps us to digest our food. It's in vegetables and fruit. A. fats ...
- The chewing and grinding of food into smaller pieces is an example of... A. Mechanical ...
- The role of plants in a food web is A. consumer B. decomposer C. predator ...
- Infection and bleeding of gums can be prevented by having foods rich in ___________. ...
- What is photosynthesis? A. The process in which humans eat their food B. When a ...
- What chemical is used to test for starch? A. Biuret solution B. Ethanol C. Iodine ...
- They give us energy. They are in butter, oil and cheese. A. protein ...
- Nutrients from digested food are absorbed in which digestive ...
- As waste moves through the digestive system, the ______ ...
- Which organ pushes food down to the stomach? A. ...
- Most photosynthesis occurs in this part of the leaf: A. upper epidermis B. ...
- What are animals called in a food chain? A. Producers B. Consumers C. Decomposers D. ...
- The burning or breaking down of glucose is known as... A. photosynthesis B. transpiration C. ...
- What type of respiration requires oxygen? A. Aerobic B. Anaerobic
- They give us fuel and energy. They are in pasta, bread and cereal. A. ...
- Which best describes what a food chain shows you? ...
- It helps us to grow. It is in meat, milk and nuts. A. carbohydrates ...
- What type of respiration does not require oxygen? A. Aerobic B. Anaerobic
- What do you call ALL the living things in the same environment? A. population B. ...
- A short tube at the end of the large intestine that stores solid waste is ...
- What are the products of anaerobic respiration? A. Glucose and oxygen B. Carbon dioxide and ...
- During the Leaf Starch Test, the Bunsen burner must be turned off once the water ...
- Which structures open and close stomata to allow gas exchange but prevent water loss in ...
- What is digestion? A. Breaking down food into molecules usable by cells B. ...
- Deficiency of which nutrient leads to this disease? ...
- The important gases, carbon dioxide and oxygen, enter and leave the leaf through the A. ...
- Which is NOT a function of the Digestive System? A. To rid the body of ...
- What is the green pigment that traps sunlight? A. Chlorophyll B. Chloroplasts ...
- How do plants get their source of energy (food)? A. Plants get their food from ...
- What is the name of the elongated, packed cells ...
- lack bears roam over large forested areas. What effect would building shopping centers in these ...
- Which organelle is responsible making food (Glucose) using sunlight? ...
- Which structure helps prevent water loss and protects the leaf? A. Palisades mesophyll B. Spongy ...
- What do you call all of the living things AND all of the non-living things ...
- Which equation shows the reaction for anaerobic respiration A. carbon dioxide + water --> glucose ...
- a. add iodine to the leaf b. boil leaf in water c. boil leaf in ...
- What are plants called in a food chain? A. Producers B. Consumers C. Decomposers D. ...
- Number 4 is pointing to the.... A. ...
- What do you call ONE species all living in the same environment? A. Population B. ...
- Number 5 is pointing to the... A. ...
- The deficiency diseases can be prevented by having ___________. A. Junk food ...
- Number 3 is pointing to the... A. Small ...
- Solutions that contain concentrations of H+ ions lower than pure water ___. A. have ...
- If a solution has a pH of 3.5, it is considered ___. A. acidic ...
- What do we use radioactive isotopes for? A. To determine the age of rocks ...
- When salt is dissolved in water, salt is the ___. A. solvent B. ...
- The atoms in a water molecule are bonded by ___. A. ionic bonds ...
- The three particles that make up an atom are ___. A. protons, neutrons, and ...
- What type of bonds are present in this diagram? ...
- An evenly distributed mixture of two or more substances is a ___. A. bond ...
- Hydrogen, chlorine, and sodium are examples of ___. A. compounds B. elements ...
- The weak bond that holds one water molecule to another water molecule is called a ...
- What allows a gecko's feet to stick to aquarium walls? A. cohesion B. ...
- ___ bonds share valence electrons with other atoms. A. Covalent B. Ionic ...
- When an atom gains an electron from another atom, it becomes a/an ___. A. ...
- The atomic number tell us ___. A. the number of neutrons B. the ...
- A substance that cannot be broken down into simpler chemical substances is called ___. ...
- In a water molecule, the ___ end is negative. A. oxygen B. hydrogen ...
- If a solution has a pH of 8.5, it is ___. A. acidic ...
- The Octet Rule states that atoms like to have ___ valence electrons. A. 8 ...
- Which feature of water explains why water has high surface tension? A. Water resists ...
- Isotopes are atoms of the same element with a different number of ___. A. ...
- Why is BMI used to measure overweight and obesity? A. Calculation only requires height ...
- BMI interpreted the same way for children and teens as it is for adults. ...
- How is BMI used? A. Diagnoses the fatness of an individual. B. As ...
- BMI may be a good indicator of body fatness. A. TRUE B. FALSE ...
- You can have a higher BMI and still be healthy. A. TRUE B. ...
- BMI of 18.4-24.9 is A. Underweight B. Normal C. Overweight D. ...
- BMI is an indirect measurement of one aspect of a person’s overall health. A. ...
- BMI can be helpful but should not be the only way to understand the health ...
- Why are these other methods not used as often as BMI? A. Not always ...
- BMI over 30 is... A. Underweight B. Normal C. Overweight D. ...
- BMI is the best indicator of a person’s overall health. A. TRUE B. ...
- What are other ways to assess excess body fatness besides BMI? A. Skin fold ...
- The problem with using BMI as a way to measure a person’s health (using body ...
- BMI is calculated by using 2 measurements... A. Weight and size B. Size ...
- What does BMI stand for? A. Body Mind Index B. Body Mass Instrument ...
- It is their role to provide therapy to rehabilitate and maximize the necessary movements needed ...
- This is a disease wherein the gums become tender, red, swollen, and starts to bleed. ...
- They are not medical doctors but they are licensed to do eye examinations and vision ...
- They are not doctors but are medical health professionals who concentrate on therapy and counselling ...
- It is an infection or swelling of the middle ear, which is just behind the ...
- They diagnose health problems by studying chemical imbalances in the brain. A. Pharmacists ...
- It is the gradual breakdown of the teeth caused by plaque. A. Tooth decay ...
- A condition in which the eyes do not align with each other properly when looking ...
- This is the flaking of the skin on the scalp and is commonly accompanied by ...
- They are technicians who make sure that your glasses are designed according to your needs ...
- These are doctors who do not specialize in one particular area and provide medical care ...
- This is a condition wherein the body weight of a person is less than what ...
- This is also known as farsightedness, this condition has difficulty seeing or focusing on nearby ...
- They are responsible for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of threats to oral health. A. ...
- This is also known as crossed eyes. A. Myopia B. Hyperopia C. ...
- Their primary concern involves the auditory and speech functions of the patient, which are usually ...
- This is a health facility where residents of the municipality are provided free or subsidized ...
- This is the opposite condition of being underweight. The body does not meet the recommended ...
- Their role is to provide treatment and care to patients. They are also the primary ...
- They can be found in hospitals and community health units to assist the doctors in ...
- They are the one who do general check-ups and diagnoses, then refer patients to specialist ...
- This refers to the slow growth and developments of the body and skills associated with ...
- They are medical doctors who are trained to diagnosed eye diseases, prescribe treatment lenses, and ...
- It is the gradual breakdown of the teeth caused by plaque. A. Tooth decay ...
- This is the abnormal outward curving of the spine that creates a hum-like shape on ...
- This is a condition where in a person has trouble clearly seeing distant objects. ...
- This refers to the infection in the outer canal of the outer ear. A. ...
- Medical professionals who are concerned with procedures directly involving the patients, monitor and dispense medicine. ...
- This condition in which the spine has an abnormal sideways curve. A. Hyperlordosis ...
- This is the excessive inward arching of the lower part of the spine, causing the ...
- Health facility which is specialized institutions or establishments that cater to the health concerns of ...
- This is also known as bad breath, this condition is caused by bacteria that proliferate ...
- The weight condition where too much accumulation of fat in the body starts to show ...
- They are the professionals who ensure the safety, health, and functionality of one’s vision. They ...
- This is a condition wherein the person experiences blurry or distorted vision. A. Myopia ...
- Identify #3 in the image: A. ...
- Double membrane sac that covers the outside of the heart A. Pericardium B. Myocardium C. ...
- A rapid heart rate is also known as: A. Bradycardia B. Tachycardia ...
- Red blood cells are known as: A. Leukocytes B. Erythrocytes
- The three layers of the heart are as follows: A. Myocardium, pericardium, endocardium B. Myocardium, ...
- What is the main function of the heart? A. To prevent blood from moving ...
- Identify #4 in the image: A. ...
- Recording a patient's blood pressure of 120/70 would be recorded in which section of the ...
- The largest artery in the body A. Aorta B. Superior Vena Cava C. Inferior Vena ...
- Abnormally low blood pressure: A. Hypertension B. Hypotension
- Blood pressure can be defined as the force of the blood against the walls of ...
- The right side of the heart carries oxygenated blood A. TRUE B. FALSE
- What is the main function of valves in the circulatory system? A. To pump ...
- Blood flows from right atrium to right ventricle through which valve? A. semilunar valve B. ...
- This is the thickest layer of the heart A. Pericardium B. Endocardium C. Myocardium D. ...
- Atherosclerosis refers to the buildup of fats, cholesterol and other substances in and on your ...
- White blood cells are known as: A. Leukocytes B. Erythrocytes
- The flow of blood between the heart and the lungs A. systemic circulation B. oxygenated ...
- What is the main organ of the circulatory system? A. small intestine B. ...
- How many valves does the human heart contain? A. 4 B. 3 ...
- __________carry blood away from the heart A. bronchioles B. arteries C. veins D. capillaries ...
- The lower chambers of the heart are known as the atria: A. TRUE ...
- A slow heart rate is also known as: A. Bradycardia B. Tachycardia ...
- Pulmonary vein A. carries oxygenated blood to left atrium B. carries deoxygenated blood to left ...
- ______carry blood back to the heart A. arteries B. capillaries C. veins D. arterioles ...
- Which is NOT a function of the circulatory system?a. deliver O2 and ...
- Arteries, veins, and capillaries are three types of __________ A. heart valves B. ...
- A patient complaining of shortness of breath would be documented in which section of the ...
- How many chambers does the human heart have? A. 4 B. 2 ...
- Pulmonary Artery A. carries oxygenated blood to atrium B. carries deoxygenated blood to lungs C. ...
- Identify #2 in the image: A. ...
- Diastolic blood pressure can be defined as: A. The amount of pressure in your ...
- Identify #1 in the image: A. ...
- Blood flows from left atrium to left ventricle through which valve? A. Bicuspid B. Tricuspid ...
- Abnormally high blood pressure: A. Hypertension B. Hypotension
- Systolic blood pressure can be defined as: A. The amount of pressure in your ...
- Blood enters the heart through which structures? A. Superior and Inferior Vena Cava ...
- The flow of blood between the heart and cells of body A. Systemic circulation B. ...
- Which structure divides the left side of the heart from the right side? A. ...
- A diagnosis of Hypertension would be recorded in which section of the SOAP note? ...
- Prefix referring to the gallbladder A. Hepato B. Gastro C. Cholecyst ...
- Removal of the spleen A. Splenectomy B. Nephrectomy C. Tonsillectomy D. ...
- ______ is a condition that is free of pathogens A. Pathogen B. Microscopic ...
- Olecranon is the anatomical term for what body part? A. Armpit B. Mouth ...
- What type of infection is acquired while a patient is in the hospital? A. ...
- Anatomical term for the chest A. Thoracic B. cholecyst C. axilla ...
- What does the suffix -ectomy refer to? A. Removal of B. Surgical repair ...
- Specialized cells in your blood that help your blood to clot A. Red blood ...
- Prefix referring to the side A. Latero B. Peri C. Hyper ...
- ______ is a microorganism that causes infection A. Pathogen B. Antigen C. ...
- Anatomical area referring to behind the knee A. Popliteal B. Axilla C. ...
- Suffix referring to blood A. Itis B. Emia C. Brachi D. ...
- Removal of the gallbladder A. Tonsillectomy B. Splenectomy C. Nephrectomy D. ...
- ______ specialize in searching for the cause of disease, identify at risk people, and determine ...
- Clinical term for cells in your blood that help your blood to clot A. ...
- Term meaning without symptoms A. Idiopathic B. Asymptomatic C. Prodrome D. ...
- Clinical term for fever A. Hyperglycemia B. Hypertension C. Pyrexia D. ...
- Anatomical term for armpit A. Olecranon B. Rectum C. thoracic D. ...
- What is the anatomical term for knee cap? A. Olecranon B. Patella ...
- Clinical term for RBC A. leukocyte B. Erythrocyte C. Thrombocyte D. ...
- This term refers to fat A. glucose B. Insuln C. Lipid ...
- This anatomical term refers to the groin A. Olecranon B. Patella C. ...
- Inflammation of the tonsils A. hepatitis B. Fasciitis C. Tonsillitis D. ...
- What does a pathologist specialize in? A. Diagnosing and treating disorders of the feet ...
- Term meaning early signs or symptoms A. Prodrome B. Etiology C. Warning ...
- Physician that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases/disorders if the immune system ...
- Clinical term for WBC A. erythrocyte B. Thrombocyte C. Leukocyte D. ...
- Any molecule that triggers an immune response A. Pathogen B. Antigen C. ...
- Prefix referring to the arm A. Peri B. Brachi C. Axilla ...
- what suffix denotes the presence of inflammation? A. Ectomy B. Plasty C. ...
- Genetic research is criticised because A. A 48% concordance rate means that the ...
- Avolition is a negative symptom characterised by ____________. A. severe loss of motivation and low ...
- Since there is no single schizogene that causes schizophrenia, schizophrenia is said to be...what? ...
- The diagnosis of schizophrenia can be accused of gender bias because _________. A. men ...
- Genetic explanations A. that there is a single candidate gene responsible for ...
- Cannabis may act as a stressor, triggering schizophrenia, as it interacts with the...what? A. ...
- The general risk of developing schizophrenia is 1% but Gottesman found: A. A 48% ...
- Loss of Dopamine-producing neurons is a cause of: A. paralysis B. Parkinson's C. anxiety D. ...
- A delusion is a positive symptom characterised by __________ that lead to bizarre behaviour. A. ...
- The diagnosis of schizophrenia can be accused of cultural bias because _________. A. those ...
- How many versions of DSM have there been ? A. 1 B. 2 ...
- Which of the following may be the important link which means that unemployment, poverty and ...
- A hallucination is a positive symptom characterised by __________ experiences of reality. A. disastrous B. ...
- The risk of developing schizophrenia __________________ with genetic similarity. A. increases B. decreases ...
- what are some symptoms of schizophrenia? A. migraines, poor vision, & dry mouth ...
- What do Dendrites do? A. Intakes information from other neurons B. Produces fatty ...
- What is the procedure where neither the subject or the experimenter knows which group is ...
- An information, especially facts or numbers, collected to be examined and considered and used to ...
- Which of the following psychologists are most associated with dreams? A. Freud B. ...
- Jasmine is having trouble being able to say the words that she wants. She knows ...
- As sunlight decreases in the fall, the amount of serotonin released _________ and the amount ...
- Arguments as to whether psychological differences between men and women result from biological or social ...
- This is the gap or space between two neurons A. Dendrites B. Cell Body C. ...
- Shows brain function by using a radioactive glucose solution (active neurons love glucose) A. MRI ...
- A client whose improvement during therapy is the result of his or her expectation of ...
- What is replication? A. cloning the scientist who first did an experiment B. ...
- A person has a stroke on her occipital lobe. What might happen to her? A. ...
- Records the waves of electrical activity (studies seizures) A. EEG B. MRI C. CT Scan ...
- Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate: A. learning and memory B. pain and pleasure ...
- Which approach to psychology focuses on how we encode, process, store, and retrieve information? A. biological ...
- Aphasia or the loss/impairment of expressing language could result from damage to the ________. ...
- A relatively psychologically active type of sleep when most of a person’s dreaming takes place; ...
- The purpose of the myelin sheath is to: A. receive signals from neurons, muscles, ...
- The limbic system includes the __. A. Cerebellum, Pons, Medulla B. Hippocampus, Amygdala, Hypothalamus C. ...
- What type psychology did Abraham Maslow & Carl Rogers belong to? A. clinical ...
- The advantage of this descriptive method of research is that it creates an immense amount ...
- Dr. Winkle conducts basic research on the systematic changes in intelligence associated with aging. It ...
- This research method is a descriptive technique in which one individual or group is studied ...
- The part of the brain that controls life-sustaining functions, such as heartbeat, breathing, and swallowing, ...
- Wrinkled part of the brain's surface where the body processes information A. Forebrain B. Cerebral ...
- Hunger controls are located within the brain's: A. hypothalamus. B. medulla. C. temporal lobe. D. ...
- Tim is having difficulty processing anything hot when he touches something, which lobe is not ...
- The left hemisphere of the brain specializes in which of the following? A. visual-spatial ...
- Loss of sleep. A. Sleep Deprivation B. Microsleep C. Narcolepsy D. ...
- Damage this and you won't form new memories A. Hypothalamus B. Hippocampus C. Amygdala D. ...
- What is the chemical used by a neuron to transmit an impulse across a synapse ...
- Makes decisions, plans, reasons, and carries out behaviors A. Frontal Lobe B. Parietal Lobe C. ...
- This research method is a technique for ascertaining the self – reported attitudes or behaviors ...
- Which approach to psychology focuses on how behavior and thinking vary across situations and cultures? ...
- Which perspective would focus on the extent to which different styles of parenting are encouraged ...
- Broca's Area is found in the __. A. Right frontal lobe B. temporal lobe C. ...
- The ability of brain tissue to take on new functions, usually occurs after parts of ...
- Which subfield of psychology is the scientific study of how we think about, influence, and ...
- Known as the Little Brain and is in charge of balance and coordinating movements A. ...
- Makes decisions, plans, reasons, and carries out behaviors A. Frontal Lobe B. Parietal Lobe C. ...
- Is responsible for orchestrating Maintenance behaviors like temperature, sleep cycles, and apetite A. amygdala B. ...
- Which kind of study can establish a cause-effect relationship between variables, assuming that the research ...
- The special treatment given to the subjects in the experimental group is called the: ...
- Which theory of dreams believes that we dream as a result of threatening wishes and ...
- A functional MRI (fMRI) and a PET scan both: A. provide a way to measure ...
- Which part of the neuron receives information and conducts it towards the cell body? A. ...
- Which professional specialty focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of people with psychological disorders? A. ...
- A type of snoring in which the person stops breathing for 10 seconds or more. ...
- The biggest danger of relying on case-study evidence is that it A. is based on ...
- Characterized by uncontrollable sleep attacks A. Night Terrors B. Insomnia C. Narcolepsy D. Sleep Apnea ...
- The brain's sensory switchboard: directs sensory messages to proper area of the brain A. thalamus ...
- The inability to get to sleep, stay asleep, or get a good quality of sleep. ...
- What is a hypothesis? A. an educated guess B. an absolute solution ...
- Which of the following subfields of psychology conducts applied research? A. developmental B. social C. ...
- A. Nucleus B. Cell Body ...
- The first psychology laboratory was established by A. Wilhelm Wundt. B. William James. C. Sigmund ...
- What is a theory? A. a guess on how something works B. a ...
- The ___ helps decide what memories transfer from the short to long term memory. A. ...
- A state of consciousness in which a person is especially susceptible to suggestion. A. ...
- You are now going to suction the client's secretions. What are you going to do? ...
- suction tips with a bulbous head to ensure that no amount of surrounding tissue is ...
- Generally, a size of ____ FR is used for adults a. 12-18 b. ...
- a hollow tube that is inserted into the upper airway to drain the mucus, saliva, ...
- Nurse Angela was assigned to client Mikaela who is scheduled for suctioning every 4 hours. ...
- Nurse Leo was asked by a student nurse about the time or seconds the patient ...
- when inserting the suction tip inside the client's nose, as a nurse you have to ...
- Side effects of suctioning includes all but one: A. hypoxia B. trauma ...
- for clients who are unconscious, the best position will be? A. semi fowler's ...
- the order reads: Suction client with a FR 20 suction tip every 2 hours. As ...
- as a nurse, you should know that suctioning should be limited to how many times? ...
- what will be the possible diagnosis for clients requiring oronasal suctioning? A. ineffective airway ...
- oronasal suctions aims to: A. remove secretion form upper respiratory system B. remove ...
- Allen was assigned to the pediatric ward. She was asked by her supervisor to perform ...
- The following are the signs that patient vernon needs suctioning except: A. restlessness ...
- Angelica Rose was asked by her supervisor to perform suctioning to her client who is ...
- The larger the number, the more its diameter for suction tip: A. TRUE ...
- what is the normal oxygen saturation level? A. 80-90 % B. 90-100% ...
- you are going to suction a client. as a nurse you know that FR in ...
- A __________is a stretching or tearing of ligaments often caused by rapid changes in direction ...
- 45 y/o Heather has loved to sew all her life. However, she has noted that ...
- A _______________fracture is one where the bone is fractured into many small pieces , like ...
- The study of hematopoiesis: A. can help scientist understand how bone is formed ...
- 17 year old MJ is a long distance runner, and runs at least 8 miles ...
- A _____________ is a blunt force injury that occurs to the soft tissues. A. ...
- 72 year old Betty was told by her doctor that she has low bone mass ...
- With a contusion, ______________ruptures at the injured site causing the tissue to turn black and ...
- An ___________fracture is one where the bone penetrates the skin. A. Closed B. ...
- ______________is a cancer of the body's blood-forming tissues, including the bone marrow and the lymphatic ...
- 65 year old male has ridden his bike over heavy, mountainous terrain for over 30 ...
- A _____________ is a stretching or tearing of muscle. A. Contusion B. Strain ...
- An 85 year old woman lost her balance and fell backwards, landing on her bottom. ...
- ______________is the term for the formation of cellular blood components. A. Hematology B. ...
- A 2 year child fell off the trampoline and landed on his outstretched right arm. ...
- A 16 year old football quarterback was getting ready to throw the ball to his ...
- A(an) ________________is a painful condition impacting the cushioning between the bones, tendons and muscles near ...
- ___________is a condition where a group of plasma cells becomes cancerous and multiplies. A. ...
- Herd immunity is a concept that is also called A. Sheep testing B. ...
- Herd immunity protects people whose immune system is weak. A. TRUE B. FALSE ...
- If no one took any safety precautions for the COVID-19 outbreak what would happen? ...
- How far should you be from someone to be socially distant? A. 1 yard ...
- Vaccinations are not mad yet for COVID-19 A. TRUE B. FALSE
- What was the video mostly about? A. Coronavirus B. Doctors C. Herd ...
- People with cancer can be vaccinated. A. TRUE B. FALSE
- Why should you wear a mask and practice social distancing? A. Case numbers will ...
- What was the herd immunity rate for measles?? A. 80% B. 85% ...
- Getting COVID- 19 as fast you can (to gain herd immunity) is a great idea. ...
- There was a Measles outbreak, even after herd immunity to it and this outbreak occured ...
- 80% to 95% percent of people are needed for herd immunity to be effective. ...
- what exactly does herd immunity mean? A. A community giving a herd of animals ...
- Should you try to expose yourself to get Covid-19 to participate in Herd Immunity? ...
- Should we wait until there is a vaccination to try to achieve herd immunity? ...
- It is scientifically proven that these things word to reduce the rate of infection: ...
- Herd immunity must be a contagious virus in order to work. A. TRUE ...
- Cellular respiration occurs in the _________ of our cells. A. nucleus B. cell ...
- Under normal conditions, once glucose makes its way to our bloodstream, cells in the pancreas ...
- The relationship between glucose and insulin can be expressed like A. hammer and nail ...
- Cells are not able to take in the necessary glucose to create energy and blood ...
- This stimulates the cells to convert glucose into energy. This supports your activity level and ...
- The pancreas secretes both hormones, glycogen and insulin. A. T B. F ...
- After our immediate energy needs are met, insulin levels drop and excess glucose is stored ...
- Cells generate energy using a series of chemical reactions, known as A. metabolic breakdown ...
- A form of diabetes that usually develops during childhood or adolescence. __________ is characterized ...
- The _________ plays an important role in our body’s use of glucose. A. liver ...
- High blood glucose level is known as __________ and can cause health problems, such as ...
- Carbohydrates are a secondary source of energy for our cells. A. T B. ...
- Causes a reinforcement of the original action. The input causes the reaction to increase. ...
- In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas makes insulin but the cells in the body do ...
- ______ is the energy compound that powers all of our activities. A. oxygen ...
- Excess glucose is stored in lipids. This reduces the amount of glucose in your body. ...
- Energy is produced by our bodies from biomolecules, large molecules, or ___________. A. proteins ...
- Initial symptoms of type 1 diabetes would include all of the following EXCEPT: A. ...
- This limits the amount of glucose entering the bloodstream. A. Increasing amounts of exercise. ...
- Between meals, when blood glucose levels drop, another pancreatic hormone, __________ stimulates the liver to ...
- Causes the system to stop doing the original action and to either take no action ...
- When blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not yet too high to cause ...
- The chemical reaction processes of breaking down molecules for energy: A. reproduction B. ...
- Diabetes is a disease in which the cells in the body cannot efficiently take in ...
- Which part of the Cell Cycle takes the longest? A. Interphase B. Mitosis C. Prophase ...
- Humans shiver when they are cold to maintain A. cytolysis B. turgor pressure C. limbo ...
- True or False. Mitosis is a continuous process. A. TRUE B. FALSE
- What does DNA Replication mean? A. DNA is made. B. DNA makes new cells. C. ...
- The movement of materials that does NOT require energy ...
- The diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane is called A. active transport B. ...
- The material being acted on by an enzyme is called a what? A. Catalyst B. ...
- In which stage of the cell cycle does the cell duplicate its DNA? A. ...
- Cells need to bring in molecules to carry out cellular processes. Often, this requires moving ...
- The movement of particles from an area of high ...
- What phase is this cell in? A. Mitosis ...
- Which describes a hypotonic environment? A. ...
- Which of the following phrases best describes cytokenesis A. ...
- What is the longest phase in MITOSIS? A. Prophase B. Metaphase C. Interphase D. Anaphase ...
- This is a ______________ because it does not have ...
- What happens in the first part of Interphase? A. Mitosis B. Cell Growth C. DNA ...
- This is a _____________________ cell because it has a ...
- What molecule does osmosis specialize in? A. Sodium B. Sugar C. Water D. Lipids ...
- This organelle creates energy. A. Nucleus B. ...
- This is most likely an _________________ cell because it ...
- _____ is the uncontrolled growth of cells, often resulting in a tumor or mass of ...
- Which is an example of how humans maintain homeostasis in bad environmental conditions? A. sweating ...
- In which stage of the cell cycle does the cell grow in size? A. ...
- A person with swollen gums rinses his mouth with warm salt water, and the swelling ...
- This is a picture of a _____________________. A. ...
- Where are proteins created? A. Smooth ER B. Golgi Apparatus C. Rough ER D. Cell ...
- Apoptosis is A. programmed cell death B. mysterious cell death C. programmed ...
- What is the fluid inside a cell called? A. Endoplasimic Reticulum B. Orange Juice ...
- Which macromolecule is useful for storing long term energy? A. Carbohydrates B. Lipids C. Proteins ...
- What phase is this cell in? A. Mitosis ...
- What part of the cell cycle is this cell ...
- The movement of materials that requires energy is called... ...
- In passive transport, substances move across the cell membrane ...
- What organelle serves as the internal structure for a cell? A. Cell Membrane B. Cytoskeleton ...
- If the sodium concentration inside a cell is greater than outside the cell, how can ...
- This is a ____. A. Golgi body B. ...
- What can the cell cycle also be called? A. Cell growth B. DNA Replication C. ...
- All living things want to remain in... A. chaos B. homeostasis C. limbo D. plasmolysis ...
- In what phase do the chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell? A. ...
- What is the main function (job) of the cell ...
- Radiation is often used for cancer therapy because it can trigger __________________. A. the ...
- What are the two types of cell transport? ...
- What phase is this cell in? A. Mitosis ...
- What is the cell cycle? A. The gradual development of something, especially from a simple ...
- You are made up of... A. eukaryotic cells B. prokaryotic cells C. plant cells D. ...
- This organelle makes proteins. A. Cell membrane ...
- Look at the diagram of a cross-section of a ...
- In which stage of the cell cycle do the ...
- Which describes a hypertonic environment? A. ...
- What phase is this cell in? A. Cytokinesis ...
- Where is DNA stored in a cell? A. Lysosomes B. Golgi Complex C. Ribosomes ...
- What is an example of a safety and security need? A. a home ...
- What kind of reaction is the fight-or-flight response primarily? A. cognitive B. physiological ...
- What type of situation might trigger the fight-or-flight response? A. persistent worrying B. ...
- A. Frontal Lobe B. Parietal Lobe C. ...
- the scientific study of behavior and mental processes A. psychology B. biology C. morality D. ...
- What type of psychologist is most likely to wonder how the brain scans of someone ...
- What is the most important stage in the hierarchy of needs according to Maslow? ...
- A. Frontal Lobe B. Parietal Lobe C. ...
- What is an example of love and belonging? A. Accomplishing your biggest dreams ...
- Maslow's hierarchy has 5 steps? A. TRUE B. FALSE
- Identify the lobe of the brain A. frontal ...
- Alvin has trouble with memory due to his abnormally small hippocampus. A. biological ...
- A. Frontal Lobe B. Brain Stem C. ...
- What stage of needs on the hierarchy are the most basic? Necessary for survival! ...
- What is existentialism? A. a philosophy concerned with the meaning of life B. ...
- Nathan believes that humans are not programmed robots and believes that humans have free will ...
- What is the part highlighted in red? A. ...
- Behavior is motivated by self-actualization and the promise of human potential. A. Humanism ...
- A. Hypothalamus B. Cerebellum C. Hippocampus ...
- Pain tolerance is largely a result of the effects of endorphins and other neurochemicals. ...
- Which branch of psychology would argue that a child who is hungry will not be ...
- What method of psychology did Carl Rogers create? ...
- What is given to an infant with nausea and vomiting first thing with treatment of ...
- After giving a patient with moderate to severe dehydration parenteral fluid therapy and now showing ...
- How much more body surface area in a premature infant than an adult? A. ...
- A child weighs 25 kg. What is the child's daily maintenance fluid requirement per hour? ...
- What is the greatest threat to a child that has been vomiting and having diarrhea ...
- Labs have been drawn to see if there has been any fluid and electrolyte imbalances ...
- What is the most dangerous form of dehydration? A. Hypotonic B. Hypertonic ...
- How much larger in body surface area is that in an infant to an adult? ...
- An infant came to the ER with symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea. The patient has ...
- What is the last to drop in a child with dehydration? A. Wt. loss ...
- What form of dehydration can result in permeant damages to CNS? A. Isotonic ...
- An child needs to be given LR 20mL/kg/24hr bolus STAT due to severe dehydration. The ...
- An infant has been diagnosed with moderate dehydration and is now going to be given ...
- What is dehydration? A. Total output of fluids exceeds the total intake. B. ...
- A child weighs 9.5 kg and needs to be given daily fluids via pump rate. ...
- Knowing that fever can cause an infant to be dehydrated. How much fluid loss for ...
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 37 / 38 / 39 / 40 / 41 / 42 / 43 / 44 / 45 / 46 / 47 / 48 / 49 / 50 / 51 / 52 / 53 / 54 / 55 / 56 / 57 / 58 / 59 / 60 / 61 / 62 / 63 / 64 / 65 / 66 / 67 / 68 / 69 / 70 / 71 / 72 / 73 / 74 / 75 / 76 / 77 / 78 / 79 / 80 / 81 / 82 / 83 / 84