Medical Quiz

Respiratory System Quiz

In which organ is oxygen absorbed into the blood in fishes?

A. Gills

B. Mouth

C. Nose

D. Stomata

Select your answer:


Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration Heart and Circulatory System BMI (Body Mass Index) ology & phobia Macromolecules & Enzymes Prehabilitation and Conditioning Auditory and Vestibular Neurology Transport system in Living Things (Human) Infectious Diease Cancer (Bio II) Liveability Disease Cards Anatomy Human Body and Pathogens Asexual Reproduction

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Which leaf I can use to build a roof?

A. lettuce

B. coconut

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Lungs › View

______________________ are the large air tubes leading from the trachea to the lungs. They carry air to the lungs. to your lungs.

A. Bronchus

B. Trachea

C. Bronchioles

D. Diaphragm