★ Life Processes Quiz
Infection and bleeding of gums can be prevented by having foods rich in ___________.
A. Iron
B. Calcium
C. Vitamin C
Select your answer:
Anatomy and Physiology Joints & Movement Differentiation and Division of Human Cells Brain Healthy Foundations Defence against Infectious Diseases Autism Awareness Body Systems Forensic Odontology Atoms and Radioactivity ESR (RBC sed rate) Cardiovascular Med Terms Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System Medicinal use of Microorganisims Genetics VocabularyOther quiz:
Iron Kinetics › View20-80% of the Bone Marrow Normoblasts have Visible Iron with 1-3 Inclusions.
Erythrocytes and Reticulocytes in Peripheral Blood should not have visible iron.
A. First Statement is True, Second Statement is False
B. Second Statement is True, First Statement is False
C. Both Statements are Correct
D. Both Statements are Incorrect
Tutor Oral Biology › View
What are the highest bacteria population at dorsum of tongue?
A. S.oralis
B. S.sangius
C. S.mutans
D. Actinomyces spp.