Medical Quiz

Biology Quiz

If a solution has a pH of 8.5, it is ___.

A. acidic

B. basic

Select your answer:


Muscular Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Reproductive System Vocabulary The Cell Circulatory and Respiratory System Human Anatomy and Physiology Neurology Life Processes Health & Wellness Vocabulary Neuron Structure Healthy Living Vocabulary Psoriasis Psychiatry Endodontic Surgery Physical

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Economic importance of Bacteria › View

The bacteria seen in the picture is

A. bacillus

B. coccus

C. spirilla

Musculoskeletal System › View

It is made up of bones, cartilages, and other special structures such as ligaments, joints and tendons.

A. Digestive System

B. Muscular System

C. Musculoskeletal System

D. Skeletal System