Medical Quiz

Wellness & Influences Quiz


Following a specific diet because of what you believe in is what type of food influence?

A. Religious

B. Social

C. Emotional

D. Media

the overall condition of a person’s ability to relate to others around them

A. Social Health

B. Physical Health

C. Wellness

D. Emotional Health

the overall condition of a person’s emotions

A. Emotional Health

B. Culture

C. Lifestyle

D. Wellness

The T in SMART goal stands for what?

A. Tough

B. Temporary

C. Terrible

D. Timely

The R in SMART goal stands for what?

A. Relevant

B. Realistic

C. Right

D. Routine

Knowing your budget and what you can afford is what food influence?

A. Individual Preference

B. Money

C. Regional

D. Social

The ability to handle the financials of day to day life.

A. Financial

B. Intellectual

C. Social

D. Spiritual

Eating food based on where you live is what food influence?

A. Regional

B. Emotional

C. Individual Preference

D. Money

An awareness, understanding & acceptance of your emotions & the ability to deal with challenges & changes.

A. Emotional

B. Physical

C. Social

D. Spiritual

Listening to & taking care of your physical body for optimal heal health & functioning

A. Emotional

B. Physical

C. Social

D. Spiritual

The S in SMART goal stands for what?

A. Smart

B. Specific

C. Social

D. Secure

Seeing food on a commercial, then deciding to go buy that food product is what kind of food influence?

A. Regional

B. Emotional

C. Social

D. Media

recognizing one’s creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills.

A. Financial

B. Intellectual

C. Social

D. Spiritual

The relationships we have & how we related to others.

A. Financial

B. Intellectual

C. Social

D. Spiritual

everything about the way one person, a couple, or a family choose to live

A. Health

B. Wellness

C. Lifestyle

D. Social Health

the overall condition of a person’s attitude

A. Physical Health

B. Social Health

C. Wellness

D. Psychological Health

Eating what YOU like is what food influence?

A. Money

B. Social

C. Individual Preference

D. Spiritual

everything about the way a group of people lives

A. Health

B. Culture

C. Lifestyle

D. Wellness

the study of nutrients and how they are used by the body

A. Nutrition

B. Health

C. Emotional Health

D. Physical Health

Finding meaning in life & understanding values, beliefs & morals that guide your actions.

A. Financial

B. Intellectual

C. Social

D. Spiritual

Which one is NOT one of the 6 components of wellness?

A. Physical

B. Financial

C. Emotional

D. Social

E. Ethnicity

combined state of physical, psychological, emotional, and social well being

A. Culture

B. Lifestyle

C. Wellness

D. Health

the process of acquiring and maintaining physical, mental, emotional, and social health

A. Health

B. Wellness

C. Nutrition

D. Lifestyle

The A in SMART goal stands for what?

A. Automated

B. Awesome

C. Attainable

D. Average

People eating for comfort, being Sad, Mad, or Happy is what food influence?

A. Media

B. Social

C. Emotional

D. Regional


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