Medical Quiz

Living Organisms & Animal Behaviors Quiz

Which behavior is genetically based and NOT linked to past experiences?

A. innate behavior

B. habituation

C. operant conditioning

D. classical conditioning

Select your answer:


Cardiovascular System Dermatology Vocabulary Bonding and the Periodic Table Carbohydrates and Proteins Lipid Metabolism Medication Administration Healthy Foundations Diversity Balanced Diet Common Respiratoty Diseases Cardiology Medications Anatomy Respiratory System Cellular Respiration Enzymes Joints

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DNA Replication › View

The enzyme that unzips the DNA to prepare for replication
A. helicase
B. replicase
C. polymerase
D. synthase

Cosmetology › View

Where should you start the application of the chemical relaxer, often considered the most resistant area?

A. Back of the head

B. Scalp area

C. Front hairline

D. Side area