Medical Quiz

Healthy Foundations Quiz


Which of the following is NOT a genetic factor?

A. weight

B. mental health condition

C. nutrition

D. disease & disorder

Risk factors increase the chances a person will develop a disease or experience an injury, while _________ factors reduce these chances.

A. positive

B. plus

C. safety

D. protective

True or False:

Teens need at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night.



To achieve optimal health, people practice __________, which is the process of identifying one’s state of health and taking steps to improve it.

A. wellness

B. health

C. well-being

D. good habits

Which of the following is a part of your social environment?

A. family

B. peers

C. culture/community

D. all of the above

True or False:

A problem in one dimension of health will not affect other dimensions of health.



Which answer lists the 3 dimensions of health?

A. climate, geography, & economic

B. nutrition, fitness, & body composition

C. physical, mental & emotional, social

D. home, school, & work

_______ factors are choices and behaviors that affect a person’s chance of developing a disease, unhealthy condition, or injury.

A. Protective factors

B. Wellness factors

C. Social factors

D. Behavioral factors

Lack of _______ due to blue light from digital devices reduces a person’s resistance to disease and impairs motor skills, such as for driving.

A. Sleep

B. physical activity

C. nutrition

D. B and C

While life expectancy measures the length of time a person is expected to live, the actual number of years a person lives is called ________.

A. life expectancy

B. quality of life

C. lifetime

D. life span

Illness and premature death lie at one end of the health continuum, and _______ health lies at the other.

A. perfect

B. optimal

C. moderate

D. quality

Which type of risk factor is typically nonmodifiable?

A. genetic risk factors

B. behavioral risk factors

C. environmental risk factors

D. All of the above

_________ factors are aspects of people’s lives that increase the chances that will develop a disease or disorder or experience an injury or decline in health.

A. Positive

B. Risk

C. Reward

D. Negative

Which of the following is not an environmental risk factor?

A. climate

B. work conditions

C. behavior

D. geography

Your social environment includes your __________, or the beliefs, values, customs, and arts of a group of people.

A. culture

B. behaviors

C. habits

D. friends

The presence of waste in the environment is called ________.

A. pollution

B. garbage

C. trash

D. dirt

How people express their thoughts, emotions, moods, feelings about themselves, and views about the world is ___________ health.

A. physical

B. nutritional

C. emotional

D. social

True or False:

Being health and unhealthy are totally different. Either your are healthy or not.



True or False:

Your actions can affect your health.



True or False:

Quality of life gauges a person’s satisfaction with life, not just how long the person lives.




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