Medical Quiz

Biology Quiz

Which form of reproduction only involves 1 parent?

A. asexual

B. sexual

Select your answer:


Physical Fitness Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Lifetime Wellness Blood & Blood Vessels Molecular Biology Hele Skeletal System Pathophysiology Eczema General Microbiology and Immunology Renal Healthcare Systems and Insurance Urinary System Pathophysiology - Inflammation Musculoskeletal Injuries Fungi/Bacteria/Biotechnology

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The Respiratory System › View

What is the function of the “Alveoli”

A. It’s a name for a muscle

B. It’s is a name for the blood in the center of your body

C. They are units where oxygen ad carbon dioxide exchage takes place

D. Very expesive oil which is only located in Russia

Integumentary System › View

Using sunscreen and avoiding excessive sun exposure can help prevent the development of skin cancer.