Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal Injuries Quiz


Which of the following is not an example of strategy to prevent musculoskeletal injuries?

A. Warm Up

B. Strength Training

C. Drinking Water (Hydration)

D. Pre-Activity Screening

Why is dynamic stretching thought to be better in terms of activity preparation and injury risk reduction when contrasted to static stretching?

A. Activates both the neuromuscular systems and improves their co-ordination resulting in more fluent/biomechanically efficient movements

B. Best replicates the actions likely to be performed shortly there after (more specific) to reduces likelihood of unexpected movements and joint pressures

C. Has an associated increase in resp. & heart rates, blood flow, oxygen uptake, etc. thus better preparing the whole body and not just the joint for performance

D. All of the above

An acute injury is

A. An existing injury

B. A re-occurring injury.

C. An injury that occurs suddenly without warning

D. An injury that occurs after a long period of time

Shin splints are common in people who run on footpaths as part of their training. This is an example of the following injury class:

A. Acute

B. Inflammation

C. Environmental

D. Overuse

What protective equipment aims to restrict the amount of movement that occurs at a joint and thus provide additional support which reduces the likelihood of soft-tissue injuries

A. Padding

B. Mouth guard

C. Correct Footwear

D. Taping/Bracing

The purpose of an active cool down following competition and training is to:

A. Maintain systolic blood pressure and prevent venous pooling

B. Assist in the removal of metabolic by-products

C. Minimise the effect of D.O.M.S. in the following days

D. All of the above

Pre-activity screening is undertaken in all professional sports in an effort to:

A. Provide a baseline to which future tests can be compared

B. Identify the most suitable playing position on a team

C. Minimise the risk of injury during physical activity

D. Best plan a training program

Structuring a training program to avoid undue stress is placed on the body is called.

A. Periodisation

B. Recovery

C. Overload

D. Strength Training

When a muscle is damaged it is known as a…..

A. Strain

B. Sprain

C. Tear

D. Break

What should occur after a general warm up aimed at increasing blood flow to working muscles

A. Warm up

B. Static stretching

C. Dynamic stretching

D. Flexibility exercises

Which of the following best describes the autoimmune condition ‘Rheumatoid Arthritis’

A. The articular cartilage in a joint has completely worn away causing bones to ‘rub’ against each other causing pain

B. Bones have become hollow and brittle, allowing them to fracture easily

C. It is an overuse condition which can affect any synovial joint in the body

D. Inflammation of and thickening of the joint casual surrounding synovial joints

This is an example of

A. Chronic Injury

B. Indirect Injury

C. Direct Injury

D. Overuse Injury

This is an example of

A. Chronic Injury

B. Indirect Injury

C. Direct Injury

D. Overuse Injury

When a ligament is damaged it is known as a…..

A. Strain

B. Sprain

C. Tear

D. Break


Epithelial Tissue Blood Formation and Clotting 3M Micropara Teeths Nutrition form 2 Bones and Muscles MEDICINE ology & phobia Diseases Key Terms Healthcare Systems and Settings Musculoskeletal Injuries Defence against Infectious Diseases Safety and First Aid Nutrition and Calorific Value Medical Careers