Medical Quiz

Nail Quiz

I am qualified as a cosmetologist/nail technician to advise  a client as to what diseases or disorders they have? 

Select your answer:


Cells, Genetics & Heredity Review Cell Theory and Cell Organelles Brain Nervous and Endocrine System Laboratory Careers Types of Immunity Entomology Vision & Hearing Foodborne Illness Kidney - Loop of Henlé Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption My Teeth Endodontic Surgery Healthcare Systems and Insurance Cell Bio

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Meiosis results in the production of

A. 2 diploid cells

B. 2 haploid cells

C. 4 haploid cells

D. 4 diploid cells

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David is studying about various diseases in his biology class. He learns about a group of diseases that primarily affect muscle function. What is the primary cause of muscular dystrophies?

A. Genetic mutations

B. Viral infection

C. Nutritional deficiency

D. Brain injury