Medical Quiz

Life Processes Quiz

a. add iodine to the leaf
b. boil leaf in water
c. boil leaf in alcohol
d. rinse leaf in water
The correct sequence used to test a leaf for starch from the steps above is:

A. a b c d
B. b c d a
C. c d a b
D. d c a b

Select your answer:


Nutrition & Wellness Viruses Biomolecules Communicable Diseases and Immune Response (OCR) Disease Inherited & Acquired Traits Oncology Skin and Derivatives Physical Fitness Components Endocrinology Brain DNA Health and The Environment Biopsychology - Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery Metabolic Sauver Common Respiratoty Diseases

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A good source of complex carbohydrates is…

A. Fruit

B. Honey

C. Beans

D. Eggs

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waves of muscular contractions that move food through the digestive tract.

A. digestion

B. absorption

C. peristalsis

D. villi