Medical Quiz

Skeletal System Homeostatic Imbalances Quiz

65 year old male has ridden his bike over heavy, mountainous terrain for over 30 years. He has noted increasing knee and hip pain in both legs. The doctor took Xrays and noted that there was significant breakdown of cartilage between the joints and his bones were rubbing together. The doctor diagnosed the man with _______________________.

A. Myalgia

B. Rheumatoid arthritis

C. Osteoarthritis

D. Osteoporosis

Select your answer:


Blood Pathology Degeneration Pathology Body System Nail Disorders and Diseases Bacteriology Lab Culture Media DNA and RNA Structures Skeletal Pathology Pulmonology/Respiratory Dental Specialties Serology/Blood Typing Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Unintentional Injuries Cell Theory & Melanoma Biodiversity Conservation Disease, Illness and Sickness

Other quiz:

Animal Genetics and Nutrition › View

Which term is used to describe the PHYSICAL characteristics we can see in an animal?

A. Genotype

B. Phenotype

C. Genome


Nervous / Sensory System › View

The papillae are:

A. The bumps on the tongue that contain the taste buds.

B. The taste buds.

C. Receptors which are found in the nose.

D. Receptors in the back of the eye which detect light.