Medical Quiz

Physical Quiz


Body posture during swing a bat very important because it can help us

A. Fall down

B. Balance

C. Run

What are nutrients used for in the body?

A. energy source

B. tissue repair

C. growth

D. all of the above

What is the ability of body parts to work together when you perform an activity?

A. Flexibility

B. Balance

C. Coordination

D. Reaction Time

Which of the following is not an example of physical activity?
A. watching television
B. hiking
C. watching television while doing yoga
D. walking around the track

Which of the following is a healthy snack ?

A. Chips

B. Apple

C. Chocolate bare

D. Ice-Cream

How far your heart can launch your blood if heart was outside of your body?

A. 10 feet

B. 30 feet

C. 20 feet

Suitable attire for student to play?

A. Shirt pants

B. Shirt pants shoes

C. Shirt pants shoes and socks

When should you drink extra water ?

A. After a math test

B. After exercising

C. When you wake-up in the middle of the night

D. Before you go the bed

What exercise is this ?
A.     Squat
B.     Jumping Jack
C.     Push-up
D.     Crunch

Choosing activities that you enjoy will make it easier for you to meet your personal fitness goals.



Hand grip during playing badminton very important because?

A. To make sure people feel comfortable

B. To avoid qurvein injury

C. To make us happy during playing

What suitable attire should you wear during playing ?

A. Shoes with socks,shirt and pants

B. Shirt pants and slipper

C. slack shirt and shoes with socks

We eat a “Rainbow on our Plate” because

A. brightly coloured foods are the healthiest for us.

B. our plate will look colourful.

C. having a plate full of white food is boring.

D. None of the above

Because our body is 70% made up of water, there is no need to drink a lot of it.

Which one is chronic disease?

A. Rashes

B. Cancer

C. Fever

Which of the following is an example of a component of Physical Fitness?

A. Cardiovascular Endurance

B. Flexibility

C. Muscular Endurance

D. All of the above.

You are in situation ready to hit, what should you do ?

A. Raise arm until hands are ear level

B. Raise arm

C. Raise hand

Common disease related to heart?

A. kidney failure

B. blood pressure

C. skin burn

Sedentary activities include everything but:

A. watching tv

B. lifting weights

C. playing video games

The ability of you heart to pump blood and lungs to receive oxygen so that you have the ability to sustain an activity for an extended period of time

A. Muscular Strength

B. Muscular Endurance

C. Flexibility

D. Cardio-Respiratory Endurance

Which food group contains yogurt and cheese?

A. dairy

B. grain

C. meat

D. fruit

Body energy during throwing divided into ?

A. 1 ; High energy only

B. 2 ;High and low energy

C. 3 ;High ,medium and low energy

During ready to hit , you cannot ……..

A. Open wide your knee as stable as you can

B. Raise your bat until reach your back head level

C. Grip properly and ready to swing

To find your maximum heart rate you

A. subtract your age from 220

B. add your age to 220

C. divide your age by 220

D. multiply your age by 220

Can we cure chronic disease

A. Yes

B. No


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