Medical Quiz

Herd Immunity Quiz

If no one took any safety precautions for the COVID-19 outbreak what would happen?

A. The death rate would go up

B. The death rate would go down

C. Nothing would happen

D. COVID-19 wouldn’t spread as quickly

Select your answer:


Digestive System Cell Review Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes Muscular System Cartilage Life Processes Skeletal System Excretion DNA and Genetic Manipulation Forensic Odontology Stimuli and Responses in Humans Human Anatomy Reproduction Ecology The Brain

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The hematopoietic organ whose lymphatic follicles contain a central artery is:

A. Thymus

B. Spleen

C. Tonsil

D. Lymph nodes

E. Appendix

Immunology IBD › View

Which biologic consists of Human p75 TNF receptor

A. Secukinumab

B. Abatacept

C. Etanercept

D. Adalimumab