Medical Quiz

STNA (State Tested Nursing Assistant) Quiz

When speaking with hearing-impaired residents, the CNA should:

A. Talk loud using a high tone.

B. Avoid speaking if possible.

C. Use long sentences.

D. Face the resident when talking.

Select your answer:


Forensics Terms Genes, Genomes & Alleles Tongue and Skin Disorders of The Joints Nutrition Skeletal System Obstructive Lung Disease Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Function Reproductive System Vocabulary Neurons Enzymes and Their Functions Lymphatic System Nervous System Functioning Skin Growth Stress

Other quiz:

The Musculoskeletal System › View

Which movements are shown in the picture?

A. Dorsiflexion & Plantar flexion

B. Eversion & Inversion

C. Abduction & Adduction

D. Flexion & Extension

Lung & Breathing › View

Where does the oxygen that we breathe get absorbed into the blood?

A. The nose

B. The windpipe

C. The heart

D. The lungs