Medical Quiz

Reproductive System Vocabulary Quiz


A hollow sphere of cells formed by repeated mitosis of the zygote

A. fibroids

B. glans

C. blastocyst

D. blastula

term for female sex cell

A. semen

B. oocyte

C. ovum

D. fallopian tube

the shedding of the endometrium

A. menses

B. blastula

C. placenta

D. ovulation

Stage of development when sexual reproduction becomes possible.

A. menses

B. labor

C. puberty

D. colostrum

beginning of childbirth

A. uterus

B. pregnancy

C. labor

D. menopause

Pouch of skin that encloses the testes.

A. cervix

B. scrotum

C. uterus

D. epidiymis

An embryonic stage in which the three basic tissue germ layers form

A. blastocyst

B. fetus

C. gastrula

D. placenta

External part of urinary and reproducitve system in males.

A. scrotum

B. penis

C. glans

D. cervix

A nearly mature egg or ovum

A. Graafian follicle

B. ovarian follicle

C. oocyte

D. ovum

Tubes in the testes where sperm is produced

A. vas defrens

B. seminiferous tubules

C. epidiymis

D. cervical cancer

the mucous membrane lining of the inner surface of the uterus

A. endometrium

B. semen

C. ovulation

D. fimbriae

muscular canal running from the uterus to the exterior of the body

A. Puberty

B. Uterus

C. Ovary

D. Vagina

inner lips of the vulva

A. placenta

B. labia minora

C. labia majora

D. ovulation

Attachment of the embryo to the endometrial lining

A. implantation

B. fertilization

C. gastrula

D. fetus

cancer of the mammary glands

A. breast cancer

B. cervical cancer

C. ectopic pregnancy

D. gastrula

Cells that produce testosterone in the testes

A. acrosome

B. mammary

C. leydigs

D. ovum

Tumors of the myometrium

A. placenta

B. fibroids

C. cervical cancer

D. breast cancer

A packet of enzymes in a sperms head

A. acrosome

B. epididymis

C. ovum

D. glans

A structure formed in the follicle after the egg is released.

A. oocyte

B. corpus luteum

C. ovum

D. uterus

Outer lips of the vulva

A. labia minora

B. uterus

C. labia majora

D. ovum

fluid-filled sac that surrounds the fetus

A. placenta

B. oocyte

C. amniotic sac

D. scrotum

the cessation of menstrual periods

A. ovulation

B. ovarian cycle

C. menstrual cycle

D. menopause

Tube that transports sperm from the testes to the urethra

A. placenta

B. uterus

C. cervix

D. vas deferens

A gland in the male that surrounds the base of the urethra

A. bulbourethral gland

B. prostate gland

C. cowper’s gland

D. seminal fluid

the lowermost part of the uterus

A. fallopian tubes

B. vagina

C. glans

D. cervix


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