Medical Quiz

Nursing Vocabulary Quiz

My extremities are my

A. eyes

B. toes

C. legs and arms

D. ears and nose

Select your answer:


Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids Gaseous Exchange in Humans Coronary Heart Diseases RDA Dental Caries Energy and Metabolism Health and Social Care Shelter Medicine Reproductive System Vocabulary Integumentary and Musculoskeletal System Haematology Biodiversity Conservation Vital Signs Psoriasis EKG Medical Term Blood Groups

Other quiz:

Genetics › View

What is the dominant trait?

A. yellow pea seeds

B. green pea seeds

C. there is no dominant seed

D. Jolly green giant

Biochemistry of Diabetes › View

Beta cells; ____ : aplha cells; ____

A. Insulin; glycogen

B. Glycogen; insulin

C. Insulin; glucagon

D. Glucagon; insulin